Interface PDFCreationListener

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void onClose​(PdfBoxRenderer renderer)
      Called immediately before the Pdf Document instance is closed
      void preOpen​(PdfBoxRenderer pdfBoxRenderer)
      Called immediately after the PDF Document instance is created before the content is written.
      void preWrite​(PdfBoxRenderer pdfBoxRenderer, int pageCount)
      Called immediately before the pages of the PDF file are about to be written out.
    • Method Detail

      • preOpen

        void preOpen​(PdfBoxRenderer pdfBoxRenderer)
        Called immediately after the PDF Document instance is created before the content is written.
        pdfBoxRenderer - the renderer preparing the document
      • preWrite

        void preWrite​(PdfBoxRenderer pdfBoxRenderer,
                      int pageCount)
        Called immediately before the pages of the PDF file are about to be written out. This is an opportunity to modify any document metadata that will be used to generate the PDF header fields (the document information dictionary).
        pdfBoxRenderer - the renderer preparing the document
        pageCount - the number of pages that will be written to the PDF document
      • onClose

        void onClose​(PdfBoxRenderer renderer)
        Called immediately before the Pdf Document instance is closed
        renderer - the iTextRenderer preparing the document