Package oracle.ucp

Interface ConnectionHarvestingCallback

  • public interface ConnectionHarvestingCallback
    The callback interface for the connection harvesting support. Applications using the connection harvesting feature can optionally provide an implementation of this interface.

    The callback object is registered with each harvestable pooled connection or using any of its logical connection proxies, allowing applications to perform customized cleanup tasks when this connection is harvested by the pool.

    The cleanup(...) method is invoked when a borrowed connection is harvested by the Universal Connection Pool. Applications using java.sql.Connection, for instance, can invoke the close() and rollback() methods on this Connection within a cleanup() implementation.

    It is an error to register more than one connection harvesting callback on the same connection. Any such attempt results in a UniversalConnectionPoolException at the pool layer or an exception specific to the type of a Universal Connection Pool Adapter (for example, JDBC, JCA, and so forth).

    See Also:
    UniversalConnectionPool, UniversalPooledConnection, PoolDataSource
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean cleanup()
      Cleans up a connection being harvested before the connection is returned to the connection pool.
    • Method Detail

      • cleanup

        boolean cleanup()
        Cleans up a connection being harvested before the connection is returned to the connection pool. This method is called by the connection pool on the connection being harvested.
        If the cleanup is successful, return true; otherwise, return false.