Package oracle.ucp

Interface ConnectionLabelingCallback

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface ConnectionLabelingCallback
    The callback interface for connection labeling support. Applications using the connection labeling feature must provide an implementation of this interface.

    The callback object is registered with the Universal Connection Pool allowing applications to configure connections based on requested labels, as well as calculating the cost of such configuration that sets the connections to the desired states.

    The cost(...) method projects the cost of configuring connections considering label-matching differences. Upon a connection-borrowing request, the connection pool uses this method to select a connection with the least reconfiguration cost and returns that connection to the application. The cost is represented in the form of an integer value.

    The configure(...) method is called by the connection pool on the selected connection before returning it to the application.

    It is an error to register more than one connection labeling callback with the connection pool. Any such attempt results in a UniversalConnectionPoolException at the pool layer or an exception specific to the type of a Universal Connection Pool Adapter (for example, JDBC, JCA, and so forth).

    See Also:
    UniversalConnectionPool, PoolDataSource
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean configure​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels, java.lang.Object connection)
      Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application.
      default java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<java.lang.Boolean> configureAsync​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels, java.lang.Object connection)
      Asynchronous version of 'confugure()': Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application.
      int cost​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels, java.util.Properties currentLabels)
      Projects the cost of configuring connections considering label-matching differences.
    • Method Detail

      • cost

        int cost​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels,
                 java.util.Properties currentLabels)
        Projects the cost of configuring connections considering label-matching differences. Upon a connection-borrowing request, the connection pool uses this method to select a connection with the least reconfiguration cost and returns that connection to the application. The cost is represented in the form of an integer value.
        requestedLabels - The desired labels on a connection request.
        currentLabels - The current labels associated with a connection.
        The projected cost for reconfiguring a connection based on label difference.
      • configure

        boolean configure​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels,
                          java.lang.Object connection)
        Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application. This method is called by the connection pool.

        A Universal Connection Pool Adapter passes in a resource-specific connection appropriate for the Adapter type. For example, a JDBC Adapter could pass in a java.sql.Connection. Note: This method should contain non-transactional SQL calls only. Invoking transactional calls is not supported.

        requestedLabels - The desired labels on a connection request.
        connection - The connection chosen by the pool to return to the application.
        If the configuration is successful, return true; otherwise, return false.
      • configureAsync

        default java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<java.lang.Boolean> configureAsync​(java.util.Properties requestedLabels,
                                                                                       java.lang.Object connection)
        Asynchronous version of 'confugure()': Configures the selected connection for a borrowing request before returning the connection to the application. This method is called by the connection pool.

        A Universal Connection Pool Adapter passes in a resource-specific connection appropriate for the Adapter type. For example, a JDBC Adapter could pass in a java.sql.Connection. Note: This method should contain non-transactional SQL calls only. Invoking transactional calls is not supported.

        requestedLabels - The desired labels on a connection request.
        connection - The connection chosen by the pool to return to the application.
        requestedLabels -
        connection -
        Completion stage of the returned boolean, that means the following: If the configuration is successful, return true; otherwise, return false.