Interface OracleJDBCConnectionPoolStatistics

    • Method Detail

      • getSuccessfulAffinityBasedBorrowCount

        long getSuccessfulAffinityBasedBorrowCount()
        Gets the number of borrow requests that succeeded in matching affinity contexts.
        The number of borrow requests that succeeded in matching affinity contexts.
      • getFailedAffinityBasedBorrowCount

        long getFailedAffinityBasedBorrowCount()
        Gets the number of borrow requests that returned connections not matching the affinity contexts.
        The number of borrow requests that returned connections not matching the affinity contexts.
      • getSuccessfulRCLBBasedBorrowCount

        long getSuccessfulRCLBBasedBorrowCount()
        Gets the number of borrow requests that succeeded in using the Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
        The number of borrow requests that succeeded in using Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
      • getFailedRCLBBasedBorrowCount

        long getFailedRCLBBasedBorrowCount()
        Gets the number of borrow requests that failed to use Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
        The number of borrow requests that failed to use Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB) algorithms.
      • getFCFProcessingInfo

        java.lang.String getFCFProcessingInfo()
        Gets the information of recent Fast Connection Failover (FCF) attempts, in the form of a String. The information returned is to help diagnosing FCF problems, and includes the outcome of each FCF attempt (successful or failed), the relevant Oracle RAC instances, the number of connections cleaned up, the exception that triggered the FCF attempt failure, and so forth.
        The information string for recent FCF attempts.
      • getFCFProcessingInfoProcessedOnly

        java.lang.String getFCFProcessingInfoProcessedOnly()
      • getConnectionRepurposeCount

        long getConnectionRepurposeCount()
        Returns the number of connection repurposed in a shared pool for a mutitenant database, where connections can be reused across PDB's by switching their container and PDB service.
        repurpose count
      • getColocationStats

        java.lang.String getColocationStats()
        Get processing info for COLOCATION_TAG support. This currently contains only information on whether all the non-applicable HA features are disabled.
        String with processing info for COLOCATION_TAG support.