

package query

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed class AddPart extends CQLQueryPart[AddPart]

  2. sealed class AlterPart extends CQLQueryPart[AlterPart]

  3. case class AlterQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WithBound](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty, alterPart: AlterPart = AlterPart.empty, addPart: AddPart = AddPart.empty, dropPart: DropPart = DropPart.empty, withPart: WithPart = WithPart.empty, renamePart: RenamePart = RenamePart.empty) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Product with Serializable

  4. sealed case class AssignmentsQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList, ModifyPrepared <: HList, TTL <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue], usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, setPart: SetPart = SetPart.empty, casPart: CompareAndSetPart = CompareAndSetPart.empty, options: QueryOptions) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  5. trait Batchable extends AnyRef

  6. sealed abstract class CQLQueryPart[Part <: CQLQueryPart[Part]] extends QueryPart[Part]

  7. sealed class ColumnsPart extends CQLQueryPart[ColumnsPart]

  8. sealed class CompareAndSetPart extends CQLQueryPart[CompareAndSetPart]

  9. sealed case class ConditionalDeleteQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue], wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, casPart: CompareAndSetPart = CompareAndSetPart.empty, usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, options: QueryOptions) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  10. sealed case class ConditionalQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList, ModifyPrepared <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue], usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, setPart: SetPart = SetPart.empty, casPart: CompareAndSetPart = CompareAndSetPart.empty, options: QueryOptions) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  11. class ConsistencyLevelModifier extends Modifier

  12. case class CreateQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, withClause: WithPart = WithPart.empty, usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty)(implicit keySpace: KeySpace) extends SessionAugmenterImplicits with Product with Serializable

  13. trait DeleteImplicits extends AnyRef

  14. case class DeleteQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue] = immutable.this.Nil, wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, casPart: CompareAndSetPart = CompareAndSetPart.empty, usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  15. sealed class DropPart extends CQLQueryPart[DropPart]

  16. class EnableTracingModifier extends Modifier

  17. class FetchSizeModifier extends Modifier

  18. sealed class FilteringPart extends CQLQueryPart[FilteringPart]

  19. class InsertJsonQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound, PS <: HList] extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable

  20. case class InsertQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, Record], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound, PS <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, columnsPart: ColumnsPart = ColumnsPart.empty, valuePart: ValuePart = ValuePart.empty, usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, lightweightPart: LightweightPart = LightweightPart.empty, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  21. sealed class LightweightPart extends CQLQueryPart[LightweightPart]

  22. sealed class LimitedPart extends CQLQueryPart[LimitedPart]

  23. trait Modifier extends (Statement) ⇒ Statement

  24. sealed class OptionPart extends CQLQueryPart[OptionPart]

  25. sealed class OrderPart extends CQLQueryPart[OrderPart]

  26. class PagingStateModifier extends Modifier

  27. case class Payload(underlying: Map[String, ByteBuffer]) extends Product with Serializable

  28. class PayloadModifier extends Modifier

  29. trait PayloadSerializer[HL <: HList] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  30. case class QueryOptions(consistencyLevel: Option[ConsistencyLevel], serialConsistencyLevel: Option[ConsistencyLevel], pagingState: Option[PagingState] = scala.None, enableTracing: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, fetchSize: Option[Int] = scala.None, outgoingPayload: Payload = Payload.empty) extends Product with Serializable

  31. sealed class RenamePart extends CQLQueryPart[RenamePart]

  32. class RootCreateQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record] extends AnyRef

  33. abstract class RootQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound] extends SessionAugmenterImplicits

  34. case class RoutingKeyModifier(tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue])(implicit session: Session) extends (SimpleStatement) ⇒ SimpleStatement with Product with Serializable

  35. case class SelectQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList](table: Table, rowFunc: (Row) ⇒ Record, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue] = immutable.this.Nil, wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, orderPart: OrderPart = OrderPart.empty, limitedPart: LimitedPart = LimitedPart.empty, filteringPart: FilteringPart = FilteringPart.empty, usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, count: Boolean = false, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Product with Serializable

  36. class SerialConsistencyLevelModifier extends Modifier

  37. sealed class SetPart extends CQLQueryPart[SetPart]

  38. class TruncateQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Status <: ConsistencyBound] extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status]

  39. case class UpdateQuery[Table <: CassandraTable[Table, _], Record, Limit <: LimitBound, Order <: OrderBound, Status <: ConsistencyBound, Chain <: WhereBound, PS <: HList](table: Table, init: CQLQuery, tokens: List[(Session) ⇒ RoutingKeyValue], usingPart: UsingPart = UsingPart.empty, wherePart: WherePart = WherePart.empty, setPart: SetPart = SetPart.empty, casPart: CompareAndSetPart = CompareAndSetPart.empty, options: QueryOptions = QueryOptions.empty) extends RootQuery[Table, Record, Status] with Batchable with Product with Serializable

  40. sealed class UsingPart extends CQLQueryPart[UsingPart]

  41. sealed class ValuePart extends CQLQueryPart[ValuePart]

  42. sealed class WherePart extends CQLQueryPart[WherePart]

  43. sealed class WithPart extends CQLQueryPart[WithPart]

Value Members

  1. object AddPart

  2. object AlterPart

  3. object AlterQuery extends Serializable

  4. object ColumnsPart

  5. object CompareAndSetPart

  6. object CreateQuery extends Serializable

  7. object DeleteQuery extends Serializable

  8. object DropPart

  9. object FilteringPart

  10. object InsertQuery extends Serializable

  11. object LightweightPart

  12. object LimitedPart

  13. object OptionPart

  14. object OrderPart

  15. object Payload extends Serializable

  16. object PayloadSerializer

  17. object QueryOptions extends Serializable

  18. object RenamePart

  19. object SelectQuery extends Serializable

  20. object SetPart

  21. object TruncateQuery

  22. object UpdateQuery extends Serializable

  23. object UsingPart

  24. object ValuePart

  25. object WherePart

  26. object WithPart

  27. package engine

  28. package execution

  29. package options

  30. package prepared

  31. package sasi
