Method used to bind a single argument to a prepared statement.
Method used to bind a single argument to a prepared statement.
The type of the argument.
A single argument that will be interpreted as a sequence of 1 for binding.
An final form prepared select query that can be asynchronously executed.
Method used to bind a set of arguments to a prepared query in a typesafe manner.
Method used to bind a set of arguments to a prepared query in a typesafe manner.
The argument tuple type, auto-tupled by the compiler from varargs.
The type argument used to cast the HList to a Tuple.
The argument used for the assertion, inferred as a tuple by the compiler.
The Shapeless Tupler implicit builder to cast HList to a Tuple.
The equality parameter to check that the types provided in the tuple match the prepared query.
An final form prepared select query that can be asynchronously executed.
Cleans up the series of parameters passed to the bind query to match the codec registry collection that the Java Driver has internally.
Cleans up the series of parameters passed to the bind query to match the codec registry collection that the Java Driver has internally.
If the type of the object passed through to the driver doesn't match a known type for the specific Cassandra column type, then the driver will crash with an error.
There are known associations of (Cassandra Column Type -> Java Type) that we need to provide for binding to work.
The sequence of parameters to bind.
A clansed set of parameters.