Creates a stream publisher based on the default ReactiveStreams implementation.
Creates a stream publisher based on the default ReactiveStreams implementation. This will use the underlying Play enumerator model to convert.
The Cassandra session to execute the enumeration within.
The target keyspace.
A publisher of records, publishing one record at a time.
Gets a reactive streams org.reactivestreams.Subscriber with batching capabilities for some phantom CassandraTable.
Gets a reactive streams org.reactivestreams.Subscriber with batching capabilities for some phantom CassandraTable. This subscriber is able to work for both finite short-lived streams and never-ending long-lived streams. For the latter, a flushInterval parameter can be used.
the number of elements to include in the Cassandra batch
the number of concurrent batch operations
the type of the batch.
used to schedule periodic batch execution even though the number of statements hasn't been reached yet. Useful in never-ending streams that will never been completed.
a function that will be invoked when the stream is completed
a function that will be invoked when an error occurs
an implicitly resolved RequestBuilder that wraps a phantom com.outworkers.phantom.builder.query.execution.ExecutableCqlQuery. Every T element that gets into the stream from the upstream is turned into a ExecutableStatement by means of this builder.
the underlying ActorSystem. This org.reactivestreams.Subscriber implementation uses Akka actors, but is not restricted to be used in the context of Akka Streams.
the Cassandra com.datastax.driver.core.Session
the Cassandra KeySpace
an evidence to get the T type removed by erasure
the org.reactivestreams.Subscriber to be connected to a reactive stream typically initiated by a org.reactivestreams.Publisher
See for further explanation.
the concrete type inheriting from CassandraTable
the type of the streamed element