Interface KeyValueSnapshotMetricRecorder

  • public interface KeyValueSnapshotMetricRecorder
    Updates metrics for work done as part of reading a transactional snapshot from the key-value-service.
    • Method Detail

      • recordCellsRead

        void recordCellsRead​(TableReference tableReference,
                             long cellsRead)
        Track that for the given table, the given number of cells was read from the key-value-service (including cells that could not be returned due to filtering).
      • recordCellsReturned

        void recordCellsReturned​(TableReference tableReference,
                                 long cellsReturned)
        Track that for the given table, the given number of cells was returned to the user (excluding cells that were filtered out internally).
      • recordManyBytesReadForTable

        void recordManyBytesReadForTable​(TableReference tableReference,
                                         long bytesRead)
        Track that a large number of bytes was read in a single call to an individual table, which could be indicative of unexpected behaviour.
      • recordFilteredSweepSentinel

        void recordFilteredSweepSentinel​(TableReference tableReference)
      • recordFilteredUncommittedTransaction

        void recordFilteredUncommittedTransaction​(TableReference tableReference)
      • recordFilteredTransactionCommittingAfterOurStart

        void recordFilteredTransactionCommittingAfterOurStart​(TableReference tableReference)
      • recordFilteredEmptyValues

        void recordFilteredEmptyValues​(TableReference tableReference,
                                       long cellsRead)
        Empty values are AtlasDB tombstones (only written on delete), and should not be returned to the user.
      • recordRolledBackOtherTransaction

        void recordRolledBackOtherTransaction()