Interface PreCommitRequirementValidator

  • public interface PreCommitRequirementValidator
    • Method Detail

      • throwIfPreCommitConditionInvalid

        void throwIfPreCommitConditionInvalid​(long timestamp)
        Throws a TransactionFailedException if a user-provided pre-commit condition is no longer valid.
      • throwIfPreCommitConditionInvalidAtCommitOnWriteTransaction

        void throwIfPreCommitConditionInvalidAtCommitOnWriteTransaction​(Map<TableReference,​? extends Map<Cell,​byte[]>> mutations,
                                                                        long timestamp)
        Throws a TransactionFailedException if a user-provided pre-commit condition is no longer valid, considering the mutations that are about to be committed.
      • throwIfPreCommitRequirementsNotMet

        void throwIfPreCommitRequirementsNotMet​(@Nullable
                                                com.palantir.lock.v2.LockToken commitLocksToken,
                                                long timestamp)
        Throws a TransactionFailedException if the transaction can no longer commit; this can be because a user pre-commit condition is no longer valid, or possibly because of other internal state such as commit locks having expired.
      • throwIfImmutableTsOrCommitLocksExpired

        void throwIfImmutableTsOrCommitLocksExpired​(@Nullable
                                                    com.palantir.lock.v2.LockToken commitLocksToken)
        Throws a TransactionFailedException if the immutable timestamp lock or commit locks have expired.