Interface ConstraintCheckable

  • public interface ConstraintCheckable
    • Method Detail

      • findConstraintFailures

        List<String> findConstraintFailures​(Map<Cell,​byte[]> writes,
                                            ConstraintCheckingTransaction transaction,
                                            AtlasDbConstraintCheckingMode constraintCheckingMode)
        This method checks row, table, and foreign-key constraints on the values given in writes. This method may require additional reads from the database, depending on the value of constraintCheckingMode. This is intended to be used to check constraints on writes.
      • findConstraintFailuresNoRead

        List<String> findConstraintFailuresNoRead​(Map<Cell,​byte[]> reads,
                                                  AtlasDbConstraintCheckingMode constraintCheckingMode)
        Calling this method will not cause any read calls from the database. It assumes that all necessary information for constraint checking is given in writes. For dynamic tables, any constraint between columns of a single row will probably require writes to have all columns for each given row. This is intended to be used for garbage collection (where all values are being read).