Interface LockWatchValueScopingCache

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LockWatchValueScopingCache
    The idea here is to keep a map of CellReference -> value for each table. Applying lock watch events will: - for LockEvent, denote that the given descriptor cannot be cached; - for UnlockEvent, denote that the given descriptor can now be cached; - for LockWatchCreatedEvent, denote that the given table can now be cached; The central mapping is kept up-to-date with the above, but views of the map are given to transactions which are accurate at the start timestamp's lock watch version. Each transaction then can read from the cache as well as create a digest of values that it has read (and is allowed to read). At commit time, it will flush those values to the central cache (taking in to account the since-locked descriptors), as well as checking for conflicts for serializable transactions by adding a check in the PreCommitCondition.
    • Method Detail

      • processStartTransactions

        void processStartTransactions​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> startTimestamps)
        Specified by:
        processStartTransactions in interface
      • updateCacheWithCommitTimestampsInformation

        void updateCacheWithCommitTimestampsInformation​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> startTimestamps)
        This does *not* remove state from the cache - ensureStateRemoved(long) must be called at the end of the transaction to do so, or else there will be a memory leak.
        Specified by:
        updateCacheWithCommitTimestampsInformation in interface
      • ensureStateRemoved

        void ensureStateRemoved​(long startTs)
        Guarantees that all relevant state for the given transaction has been removed. If the state is already gone (by calling onSuccessfulCommit(long), this will be a no-op. Failure to call this method may result in memory leaks (particularly for aborting transactions).
        Specified by:
        ensureStateRemoved in interface
      • onSuccessfulCommit

        void onSuccessfulCommit​(long startTs)
        Performs final cleanup for a given transaction (identified by its start timestamp). This removes state associated with a transaction, and flushes values to the central value cache. Calling this method before a transaction is fully committed may result in incorrect values being cached.
        Specified by:
        onSuccessfulCommit in interface
      • getReadOnlyTransactionScopedCacheForCommit

        TransactionScopedCache getReadOnlyTransactionScopedCacheForCommit​(long startTs)
        Returns a read-only view of the transaction cache at commit time (specifically, **after** getting the commit timestamp, but before ending the transaction). This view will contain the local updates stored during the transaction, but will filter out any cells that have been locked between the start and commit of this transaction. The primary purpose of this cache is for serializable conflict checking.