Class DerivedSnapshotConfig

  • @Immutable
    public abstract class DerivedSnapshotConfig
    extends java.lang.Object
    Cassandra derives the default concurrentGetRangesThreadPoolSize from the pool size and the number of thrift hosts. The pool size is configured in com.palantir.atlasdb.cassandra.CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig, whereas the initial server list is now present in com.palantir.atlasdb.cassandra.CassandraKeyValueServiceRuntimeConfig, and thus the derivation requires information from both configs. This immutable represents the minimal set of properties where the values may be derived from different configs, to avoid library consumers from depending on the idea of a totally merged config (which may exist separately, e.g for the purpose of moving config keys from install to runtime config) Despite being derived from the runtime config, derived values will not be live reloaded. See AtlasDbFactory for information on how this is constructed for the various KVSs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DerivedSnapshotConfig

        public DerivedSnapshotConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • concurrentGetRangesThreadPoolSize

        public abstract int concurrentGetRangesThreadPoolSize()
        The size of the thread pool used for concurrently running range requests.
      • defaultGetRangesConcurrency

        public int defaultGetRangesConcurrency()
        The maximum number of threads from the pool of concurrentGetRangesThreadPoolSize() to use for a single getRanges request when the user does not explicitly provide a value.
      • builder

        public static com.palantir.atlasdb.spi.ImmutableDerivedSnapshotConfig.Builder builder()