Interface ExpectationsAwareTransaction

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ExpectationsAwareTransaction
    extends Transaction
    Implementors of this interface provide methods useful for tracking transactional expectations and whether they were breached as well as relevant metrics and alerts. Transactional expectations represent transaction-level limits and rules for proper usage of AtlasDB transactions (e.g. reading too much data overall). Todo(aalouane): move this out of API once part 4 is merged
    • Method Detail

      • getAgeMillis

        long getAgeMillis()
      • getReadInfo

        TransactionReadInfo getReadInfo()
        Returns a point-in-time snapshot of transaction read information.
      • reportExpectationsCollectedData

        void reportExpectationsCollectedData()
        Update TEX data collection metrics for (post-mortem) transactions. Expected usage is that this method is called once after the transaction has been committed or aborted. This method won't report metrics if called on an in-progress transaction. Calling this twice after the transaction has committed or aborted will result in duplication. Clients should not call this method directly.