Interface NamespaceDeleter

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable

    public interface NamespaceDeleter
    extends Closeable
    Allows for deleting all data from a namespace (e.g., dropping the keyspace for a Cassandra KVS) programmatically, and determining when that deletion is complete.
    • Method Detail

      • deleteAllDataFromNamespace

        void deleteAllDataFromNamespace()
        Deletes all data associated with a specific namespace. In Cassandra, this is done by dropping the keyspace. Deleting all data is naturally dangerous, and care must be taken to avoid inadvertently deleting a namespace that is still in active use. It is safe to retry this method if cleanup fails.
      • isNamespaceDeletedSuccessfully

        boolean isNamespaceDeletedSuccessfully()
        Returns true if all the data for this namespace has been deleted successfully.