Class FileSystemCheckOptions

  • public class FileSystemCheckOptions
    extends Object
    Options for a file system check. It defines what types of issues should be looked for, and if they should be repaired or not.
    Yichen TANG
    • Field Detail


        public static final String EXPIRED_INCONSISTENT_NODES
        If defined in getTypes(), the implementation must look for inconsistent nodes older than a specified date.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getInconsistentNodesExpirationTime

        public Optional<Instant> getInconsistentNodesExpirationTime()
        Inconsistent nodes older than this are considered "expired", which means that their creation will probably never be achieved. If isRepair() is true, those nodes will be removed. If absent, nothing is done.
      • getTypes

        public Set<String> getTypes()
        Defines the type of issues which should be looked for. Types can be implementation-dependent.
      • isRepair

        public boolean isRepair()
        If false, just list issues but don't repair them