Interface TieLine

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Branch<Line>, Connectable<Line>, Extendable<Line>, Identifiable<Line>, Line, LineCharacteristics<Line>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TieLine
    extends Line
    A tie line is an AC line sharing power between two neighbouring regional grids. It is constituted of two [half lines](#half-line). A tie line is created by matching two [dangling lines](#dangling-line) with the same Xnode code. It has line characteristics, with $$R$$ (resp. $$X$$) being the sum of the series resistances (resp. reactances) of the two half lines. $$G1$$ (resp. $$B1$$) is equal to the sum of the first half line's $$G1$$ and $$G2$$ (resp. $$B1$$ and $$B2$$). $$G2$$ (resp. $$B2$$) is equal to the sum of the second half line's $$G1$$ and $$G2$$ (resp. $$B1$$ and $$B2$$).


    Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description
    Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the tie line
    Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the tie line
    HalfLine1 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The first half of the line characteristics
    HalfLine2 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The second half of the line characteristics
    UcteXnodeCode String - no - The UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line (only required if the line crosses a boundary)
    R double Ω yes - The series resistance (sum of the series resistances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    X double Ω yes - The series reactance (sum of the series reactances of the two Hald lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    G1 double S yes - The first side shunt conductance (sum of the first side shunt conductances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    B1 double S yes - The first side shunt susceptance (sum of the first side shunt susceptances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    G2 double S yes - The second side shunt conductance (sum of the second side shunt conductances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    B2 double S yes - The second side shunt susceptance (sum of the second side shunt susceptances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    • Method Detail

      • getUcteXnodeCode

        String getUcteXnodeCode()
        Get the UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line in the case where the line is a boundary, return null otherwise.
      • getHalf1

        TieLine.HalfLine getHalf1()
        Get first half of the line characteristics
      • getHalf2

        TieLine.HalfLine getHalf2()
        Get second half of the line characteristics