Interface TieLine
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public interface TieLine extends Line
A tie line is an AC line sharing power between two neighbouring regional grids. It is constituted of two [half lines](#half-line). A tie line is created by matching two [dangling lines](#dangling-line) with the same Xnode code. It has line characteristics, with $$R$$ (resp. $$X$$) being the sum of the series resistances (resp. reactances) of the two half lines. $$G1$$ (resp. $$B1$$) is equal to the sum of the first half line's $$G1$$ and $$G2$$ (resp. $$B1$$ and $$B2$$). $$G2$$ (resp. $$B2$$) is equal to the sum of the second half line's $$G1$$ and $$G2$$ (resp. $$B1$$ and $$B2$$).Characteristics
Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the tie line Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the tie line HalfLine1 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The first half of the line characteristics HalfLine2 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The second half of the line characteristics UcteXnodeCode String - no - The UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line (only required if the line crosses a boundary) R double Ω yes - The series resistance (sum of the series resistances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** X double Ω yes - The series reactance (sum of the series reactances of the two Hald lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** G1 double S yes - The first side shunt conductance (sum of the first side shunt conductances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** B1 double S yes - The first side shunt susceptance (sum of the first side shunt susceptances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** G2 double S yes - The second side shunt conductance (sum of the second side shunt conductances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** B2 double S yes - The second side shunt susceptance (sum of the second side shunt susceptances of the two Half lines) **NB: this attribute is read-only** - Author:
- Geoffroy Jamgotchian
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes Modifier and Type Interface Description static interface
Half line-
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Branch.Overload, Branch.Side
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description TieLine.HalfLine
getHalf(Branch.Side side)
Get a given side half of the line characteristicsTieLine.HalfLine
Get first half of the line characteristicsTieLine.HalfLine
Get second half of the line characteristicsString
Get the UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line in the case where the line is a boundary, return null otherwise.-
Methods inherited from interface
checkPermanentLimit, checkPermanentLimit, checkPermanentLimit1, checkPermanentLimit1, checkPermanentLimit2, checkPermanentLimit2, checkTemporaryLimits, checkTemporaryLimits, checkTemporaryLimits1, checkTemporaryLimits1, checkTemporaryLimits2, checkTemporaryLimits2, getActivePowerLimits, getActivePowerLimits1, getActivePowerLimits2, getApparentPowerLimits, getApparentPowerLimits1, getApparentPowerLimits2, getCurrentLimits, getCurrentLimits1, getCurrentLimits2, getOperationalLimits1, getOperationalLimits2, getOverloadDuration, getSide, getTerminal, getTerminal, getTerminal1, getTerminal2, isOverloaded, isOverloaded, newActivePowerLimits1, newActivePowerLimits2, newApparentPowerLimits1, newApparentPowerLimits2, newCurrentLimits1, newCurrentLimits2
Methods inherited from interface
getTerminals, getType, remove
Methods inherited from interface com.powsybl.commons.extensions.Extendable
addExtension, getExtension, getExtensionByName, getExtensions, getImplementationName, newExtension, removeExtension
Methods inherited from interface
addAlias, addAlias, addAlias, addAlias, getAliases, getAliasFromType, getAliasType, getId, getName, getNameOrId, getNetwork, getOptionalName, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyNames, hasAliases, hasProperty, hasProperty, isFictitious, removeAlias, setFictitious, setProperty
Method Detail
String getUcteXnodeCode()
Get the UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line in the case where the line is a boundary, return null otherwise.
TieLine.HalfLine getHalf1()
Get first half of the line characteristics
TieLine.HalfLine getHalf2()
Get second half of the line characteristics
TieLine.HalfLine getHalf(Branch.Side side)
Get a given side half of the line characteristics