Class TripleStoreFactory

  • public final class TripleStoreFactory
    extends Object
    Factory for the creation of Triplestore databases. It relies on named factory services to create instances.
    Luma ZamarreƱo
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static TripleStore create()
        Create a Triplestore database using the default implementation.
        a Triplestore based on the default implementation
      • copy

        public static TripleStore copy​(TripleStore source)
        Crate a Triplestore that is a copy of the given Triplestore. Copied Triplestore will be based on the same implementation of the source Triplestore.
        source - the source Triplestore
        a new Triplestore that is a copy of the source Triplestore
      • create

        public static TripleStore create​(String impl)
        Create a Triplestore database using the given implementation.
        impl - the name of the Triplestore implementation that must be used
        a Triplestore based on the given implementation
      • allImplementations

        public static List<String> allImplementations()
        List all Triplestore implementations available.
        a list with the names of all available Triplestore implementations
      • implementationsWorkingWithNestedGraphClauses

        public static List<String> implementationsWorkingWithNestedGraphClauses()
        List all available Triplestore implementations that support nested graph clauses in SPARQL queries.
        a list with the names of all available Triplestore implementations supporting nested graph clauses in SPARQL queries
      • implementationsBadNestedGraphClauses

        public static List<String> implementationsBadNestedGraphClauses()
        List all available Triplestore implementations that have problems with nested graph clauses in SPARQL queries.
        a list with the names of all available Triplestore implementations that have problems with nested graph clauses in SPARQL queries
      • onlyDefaultImplementation

        public static List<String> onlyDefaultImplementation()
        Get a list containing only the name of the default Triplestore implementation.
        a list with the name of the default Triplestore implementation
      • defaultImplementation

        public static String defaultImplementation()
        Get the name of the default Triplestore implementation.
        the name of the default Triplestore implementation