Class ThreeWindingsTransformerConversion

  • public class ThreeWindingsTransformerConversion
    extends AbstractConductingEquipmentConversion
    ThreeWindingsTransformer Cgmes Conversion

    Cgmes conversion for transformers (two and three windings) is divided into four stages: load, interpret, convert and set.

    Native CGMES data is loaded from the triple store query and is put in the CGMES model object (CgmesT3xModel).

    CgmesT3xModel data is mapped to a more general three windings transformer model (InterpretedT3xModel) according to a predefined configured alternative. It is an elemental process as the only objective is to put Cgmes data in the fields of the general three windings transformer model. All possible alternatives and the default one are defined in conversion class. See Conversion
    InterpretedT3xModel supports ratioTapChanger and phaseTapChanger at each end of any leg. Shunt admittances can also be defined at both ends of each leg and allows to specify the end of the structural ratio by leg.

    Converts the interpreted model (InterpretedT3xModel) to the converted model object (ConvertedT3xModel).
    The ConvertedT3xModel only allows to define ratioTapChanger and phaseTapChanger at the network side of any leg. Shunt admittances and structural ratio must be also at the network side.
    To do this process the following methods are applied to each leg:
    moveTapChangerFrom2To1: To move a tapChanger from star bus side to network side
    combineTapChanger: To reduce two tapChangers to one
    moveRatioFrom2To1: To move structural ratio from star bus side to network side
    Finally shunt admittance of both ends of the leg are added to network side. This step is an approximation and only will be possible to reproduce the exact case result if Cgmes shunts are defined at network side or are split and the LoadflowParameter splitShuntAdmittance option is selected.
    See TapChangerConversion

    A direct map from ConvertedT3xModel to IIDM model

    Luma Zamarreño , José Antonio Marqués