Interface SimpleCommand

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SimpleCommand
    extends Command
    A single command to be executed, defined by its program name and a list of arguments. The actual values of arguments may depend on the execution number, when several executions are submitted to a ComputationManager.

    A timeout for the execution of this command may be specified.

    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    • Method Detail

      • getProgram

        String getProgram()
        Define the name of the program to be executed.
        the name of the program to be executed.
      • getArgs

        List<String> getArgs​(int executionNumber)
        The list of arguments to be passed to the program, for the specified execution number.
        executionNumber - execution number for which arguments are requested.
        the list of arguments to be passed to the program, for the specified execution number.
      • getTimeout

        int getTimeout()
        ComputationParameters.getTimeout(java.lang.String) should be used instead. A timeout in milliseconds for this command execution. If less than zero, the execution time should be considered as unlimited.
        the timeout in milliseconds for this command execution.