Class KComputation

  • public class KComputation
    extends Object
    Based on a list of (value, target, coeff), computes the balancing ratio k such that
       sum(values) - sum(target) = k * sum(coeff)
    and compute the variance of values around the theoretical value target + k*coeff.
    Massimo Ferraro
    • Constructor Detail

      • KComputation

        public KComputation()
    • Method Detail

      • addGeneratorValues

        public void addGeneratorValues​(double p,
                                       double targetP,
                                       double value)
        Register values for a generator:
        p - Computed power generation
        targetP - Target power generation
        value - Assumed coefficient for that generator (for example Pmax, targetP, ...)
      • getK

        public double getK()
        Estimated value of coefficient, based on registered values.
      • getVarK

        public double getVarK()
        Compute variance of distribution around the theoretical values.