Interface Terminal.BusBreakerView

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Terminal.BusBreakerView
    A bus/breaker view of the terminal.
    • Method Detail

      • getBus

        Bus getBus()
        Get the connection bus of this terminal in the bus/breaker topology.

        Depends on the working variant.

        the connection bus in the bus/breaker topology or null if not connected
        See Also:
      • getConnectableBus

        Bus getConnectableBus()
        Get a bus that can be used to connected the terminal in the bus/breaker topology.
      • setConnectableBus

        void setConnectableBus​(String busId)
      • moveConnectable

        void moveConnectable​(String busId,
                             boolean connected)
        Move the connectable end on the given side to the given connectable bus with the given connection status. If the given bus' voltage level topology is not BUS-BREAKER, a runtime exception is thrown.