Class RemoveFeederBay

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RemoveFeederBay
    extends AbstractNetworkModification
    This modification removes the whole feeder bay related to a given feeder connectable. This means that it removes all the dangling switches and internal connections which remain once the connectable is removed. Note that determining the bay which corresponds to a connectable needs some computation and graph traversals.
    Florian Dupuy
    • Constructor Detail

      • RemoveFeederBay

        public RemoveFeederBay​(String connectableId)
        connectableId - non-null id of the connectable whose feeder bay will be removed (busbar section are not accepted)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public void apply​(Network network,
                          boolean throwException,
                          ComputationManager computationManager,
                          Reporter reporter)
        Description copied from interface: NetworkModification
        Applies the modification to the given network. If throwException is set to true, then in case of error, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise, computation will continue but the injection will not be added to the network in case of error.