Package com.powsybl.math.matrix
This package contains utility classes around matrix modelling and LU decomposition. It is based on well known
underlying libraries.
- Jama for dense matrix: only intended to be used for small matrices and unit testing.
- SuiteSparse KLU for sparse matrix: can be used with large sparse data
Interface Summary Interface Description LUDecomposition LU decomposition utility class.Matrix Interface for all double typed matrix implementation.Matrix.Element An element of the matrix.Matrix.ElementHandler Handler used to iterate a matrix and get values.MatrixFactory Interface for matrix factory. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractMatrix Abstract class for matrix that provides an implementation for common methods.DenseMatrix Dense matrix implementation based on an array ofrowCount
double values.DenseMatrixFactory Dense matrix factory.SparseMatrix Sparse matrix implementation in CSC format.SparseMatrixFactory Sparse matrix factory. -
Exception Summary Exception Description MatrixException