Interface TieLine

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Branch<Line>, Connectable<Line>, Extendable<Line>, Identifiable<Line>, Line, LineCharacteristics<Line>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TieLine
    extends Line
    A tie line is an AC line sharing power between two neighbouring regional grids. It is constituted of two [half lines](#half-line).

    The tie line is always oriented in the same way,
    The network model node of the Half 1 is always at end 1.
    The network model node of the Half 2 is always at end 2.

    As there is not injection at the boundary node, by applying kron reduction, this node can be removed getting an equivalent branch between both network model nodes.


    Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description
    Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the tie line
    Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the tie line
    HalfLine1 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The first half of the line characteristics
    HalfLine2 TieLine.HalfLine - yes - The second half of the line characteristics
    UcteXnodeCode String - no - The UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line (only required if the line crosses a boundary)
    R double Ω yes - The series resistance (resistance of the equivalent branch model) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    X double Ω yes - The series reactance (reactance of the equivalent branch model) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    G1 double S yes - The first side shunt conductance (shunt conductance of the equivalent branch at end 1) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    B1 double S yes - The first side shunt susceptance (shunt susceptance of the equivalent branch at end 1) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    G2 double S yes - The second side shunt conductance (shunt conductance of the equivalent branch at end 2) **NB: this attribute is read-only**
    B2 double S yes - The second side shunt susceptance (shunt susceptance of the equivalent branch at end 2) **NB: this attribute is read-only**

    In the Merging View:
    A tie line is created by matching two [dangling lines](#dangling-line) with the same Xnode code.
    We have two Dangling Lines as Half line objects of a Tie Line.
    The first dangling line maps directly to the first half line.
    The second dangling line must be reoriented before mapping it to the second half line (In dangling lines we assume that the boundary side is always at end 2).

    In the CGMES import of an assembled model :
    A tie line is created by matching two links with the same boundary node.
    Depending on the initial orientation of the links, none, only one or maybe both links must be reoriented before mapping them to the half lines.
    Each link can be:

    • A line.
    • A Breaker or Disconnector.
    • An equivalent branch.
    • A transformer with fixed ratio and zero phase shift angle.

    Geoffroy Jamgotchian , Luma Zamarreño , José Antonio Marqués
    • Method Detail

      • getUcteXnodeCode

        String getUcteXnodeCode()
        Get the UCTE Xnode code corresponding to this line in the case where the line is a boundary, return null otherwise.
      • getHalf1

        TieLine.HalfLine getHalf1()
        Get first half of the line characteristics
      • getHalf2

        TieLine.HalfLine getHalf2()
        Get second half of the line characteristics