Class DanglingLineScalable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DanglingLineScalable
    extends Object
    Coline Piloquet
    • Field Detail

      • id

        protected final String id
      • minValue

        protected final double minValue
      • maxValue

        protected final double maxValue
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset​(Network n)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Set the constant active power to zero.
      • filterInjections

        public void filterInjections​(Network n,
                                     List<Injection> injections,
                                     List<String> notFoundInjections)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Scans all the expected injections of the scalable. If the injection can be found in given network, it is added the the injections list. Otherwise, its identifier is added to the "notFound" list.
        n - network
        injections - network injections used in the scalable
        notFoundInjections - expected injections not found in the network
      • scale

        public double scale​(Network n,
                            double asked,
                            ScalingParameters parameters)
        Scale the given network using Generator convention by default. The actual scaling value may be different to the one asked if the Scalable limit is reached.

        If scalingConvention is LOAD, the load active power increases for positive "asked" and decreases inversely If scalingConvention is GENERATOR, the load active power decreases for positive "asked" and increases inversely

        n - network
        asked - value asked to adjust the scalable active power
        parameters - specific parameters used to scale
        the actual value of the scalable active power adjustment
      • maximumValue

        public double maximumValue​(Network n)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Get the maximal active power in MW. Uses Generator convention by default
        Specified by:
        maximumValue in interface Scalable
      • minimumValue

        public double minimumValue​(Network n)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Get the minimal active power in MW. Uses Generator convention by default
        Specified by:
        minimumValue in interface Scalable
      • initialValue

        public double initialValue​(Network n)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Get the constant active power in MW injected at the network.
      • filterInjections

        public List<Injection> filterInjections​(Network network,
                                                List<String> notFound)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Scans all the expected injections of the scalable. If the injection can be found in given network, it is added the the injections list. Otherwise, its identifier is added to the "notFound" list.
        Specified by:
        filterInjections in interface Scalable
        network - network
        notFound - expected injections not found in the network
        network injections used in the scalable
      • filterInjections

        public List<Injection> filterInjections​(Network network)
        Description copied from interface: Scalable
        Scans all the expected injections of the scalable. If the injection can be found in given network, it is added the the injections list.
        Specified by:
        filterInjections in interface Scalable
        network - network
        network injections used in the scalable