Class CreateCouplingDevice

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CreateCouplingDevice
    extends AbstractNetworkModification
    Adds a coupling device between two busbar sections. If topology extensions are present, then it creates open disconnectors to connect the breaker to every parallel busbar section, else does not create them. If there are exactly two busbar sections and that they must have the same sectionIndex, then no open disconnector is created.
    Coline Piloquet
    • Method Detail

      • getBusOrBbsId1

        public String getBusOrBbsId1()
      • getBusOrBbsId2

        public String getBusOrBbsId2()
      • apply

        public void apply​(Network network,
                          boolean throwException,
                          ComputationManager computationManager,
                          Reporter reporter)
        Description copied from interface: NetworkModification
        Applies the modification to the given network. If throwException is set to true, then in case of error, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise, computation will continue but the injection will not be added to the network in case of error.