Class AbstractPowsyblTripleStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPowsyblTripleStore

        protected AbstractPowsyblTripleStore()
      • AbstractPowsyblTripleStore

        protected AbstractPowsyblTripleStore​(TripleStoreOptions options)
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public TripleStoreOptions getOptions()
        Description copied from interface: TripleStore
        Obtain the options that have been used to configure this Triplestore
        Specified by:
        getOptions in interface TripleStore
        options Triplestore configuration options
      • createRdfId

        protected static String createRdfId()
      • defineQueryPrefix

        public void defineQueryPrefix​(String prefix,
                                      String cimNamespace)
        Description copied from interface: TripleStore
        Define namespace prefix bindings that will be used in the text of queries. Example: tripleStore.defineQueryPrefix("foaf", "");
        Specified by:
        defineQueryPrefix in interface TripleStore
        prefix - the prefix to be used in the text of queries as a replacement for the namespace
        cimNamespace - the URL of the namespace
      • print

        public void print​(Consumer<String> liner)
        Description copied from interface: TripleStore
        Print a summary of the contents of the Triplestore. Typically a list of contexts and its size (number of statements).
        Specified by:
        print in interface TripleStore
        liner - a function that accepts strings (the lines of the summary report)
      • namespaceForContexts

        protected static String namespaceForContexts()
      • rdfDescriptionClass

        protected static String rdfDescriptionClass()
      • adjustedQuery

        protected String adjustedQuery​(String q)