Interface LimitViolationDetector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContingencyBlindDetector, AbstractLimitViolationDetector, DefaultLimitViolationDetector

public interface LimitViolationDetector
Being given some physical values (currents, voltages, ...) for network elements, is in charge of deciding whether there are limit violations or not.
Sylvain Leclerc < at>
  • Method Details

    • checkCurrent

      default void checkCurrent(Contingency contingency, Branch branch, Branch.Side side, double currentValue, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified current value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      currentValue - The current value to be checked, in A.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrent

      default void checkCurrent(Contingency contingency, Branch branch, Branch.Side side, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      default void checkVoltage(Contingency contingency, Bus bus, double voltageValue, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified voltage value on the specified Bus should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, returns the corresponding limit violation.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      bus - The bus on which the voltage must be checked.
      voltageValue - The voltage value to be checked, in V.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      default void checkVoltage(Contingency contingency, Bus bus, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the voltage value on the specified Bus should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      bus - The bus on which the voltage must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      default void checkVoltage(Contingency contingency, VoltageLevel voltageLevel, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the voltage value on the specified VoltageLevel should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      voltageLevel - The voltage level on which the voltage must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltageAngle

      default void checkVoltageAngle(Contingency contingency, VoltageAngleLimit voltageAngleLimit, double voltageAngleDifference, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified angle difference between the TerminalRefs on the specified VoltageAngleLimit should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, returns the corresponding limit violation.
      contingency - The contingency for which angle difference must be checked, null for N situation.
      voltageAngleLimit - The voltageAngleLimit defining the TerminalRefs on which the angle difference must be checked.
      voltageAngleDifference - The angle difference value to be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltageAngle

      default void checkVoltageAngle(Contingency contingency, VoltageAngleLimit voltageAngleLimit, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the angle difference value between the TerminalRefs on the specified VoltageAngleLimit should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which angle difference must be checked, null for N situation.
      voltageAngleLimit - The voltageAngleLimit defining the TerminalRefs on which the angle difference must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrent

      default void checkCurrent(Contingency contingency, Branch branch, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on both sides of the specified Branch should be considered as LimitViolation(s). In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkAll

      default void checkAll(Contingency contingency, Network network, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current and voltage values on all equipments of the specified Network should be considered as LimitViolations. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      contingency - The contingency for which current must be checked, null for N situation.
      network - The network on which physical values must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrent

      void checkCurrent(Branch branch, Branch.Side side, double currentValue, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified current value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      currentValue - The current value to be checked, in A.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkActivePower

      void checkActivePower(Branch branch, Branch.Side side, double value, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified active power value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      value - The active power value to be checked, in A.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkApparentPower

      void checkApparentPower(Branch branch, Branch.Side side, double value, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified apparent power value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      value - The apparent power value to be checked, in A.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrent

      void checkCurrent(Branch branch, Branch.Side side, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrentDc

      void checkCurrentDc(Branch branch, Branch.Side side, double dcPowerFactor, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on the specified side of the specified Branch should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it. In this DC power flow mode, the current is computed using the DC power factor if necessary.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      side - The side of the branch on which the current must be checked.
      dcPowerFactor - The DC power factor used to convert the active power into current.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      void checkVoltage(Bus bus, double voltageValue, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified voltage value on the specified Bus should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, returns the corresponding limit violation.
      bus - The bus on which the voltage must be checked.
      voltageValue - The voltage value to be checked, in V.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      void checkVoltage(Bus bus, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the voltage value on the specified Bus should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      bus - The bus on which the voltage must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltage

      void checkVoltage(VoltageLevel voltageLevel, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the voltage value on the specified VoltageLevel should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      voltageLevel - The voltage level on which the voltage must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltageAngle

      void checkVoltageAngle(VoltageAngleLimit voltageAngleLimit, double voltageAngleDifference, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the specified voltage value on the specified Bus should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, returns the corresponding limit violation.
      voltageAngleLimit - The voltageAngleLimit defining TerminalRefs on which the angle difference must be checked.
      voltageAngleDifference - The voltage angle difference to be checked, in degrees.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkVoltageAngle

      void checkVoltageAngle(VoltageAngleLimit voltageAngleLimit, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the voltage angle difference between the TerminalRefs defined on the specified VoltageAngleLimit should be considered as a LimitViolation or not. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      voltageAngleLimit - The voltageAngleLimit defining the TerminalRefs on which the angle difference must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrent

      void checkCurrent(Branch branch, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on both sides of the specified Branch should be considered as LimitViolation(s). In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkCurrentDc

      void checkCurrentDc(Branch branch, double dcPowerFactor, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current value on both sides of the specified Branch should be considered as LimitViolation(s). In case it should, feeds the consumer with it. In this DC power flow mode, the current is computed using the DC power factor if necessary.
      branch - The branch on which the current must be checked.
      dcPowerFactor - The DC power factor used to convert the active power into current.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkAll

      void checkAll(Network network, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current and voltage values on all equipments of the specified Network should be considered as LimitViolations. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it.
      network - The network on which physical values must be checked.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • checkAllDc

      void checkAllDc(Network network, double dcPowerFactor, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer)
      Checks whether the current and voltage values on all equipments of the specified Network should be considered as LimitViolations. In case it should, feeds the consumer with it. In this DC power flow mode, the current is computed using the DC power factor if necessary.
      network - The network on which physical values must be checked.
      dcPowerFactor - The DC power factor used to convert the active power into current.
      consumer - Will be fed with possibly created limit violations.
    • toLimitViolationType

      default LimitViolationType toLimitViolationType(LimitType type)
      Helper function to convert a limit type to a limit violation type
      type - The limit type to convert.
      The matching LimitViolationTYpe
    • checkPermanentLimit

      default void checkPermanentLimit(Branch<?> branch, Branch.Side side, float limitReduction, double value, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer, LimitType type)
      Generic implementation for permanent limit checks
    • checkTemporary

      default void checkTemporary(Branch<?> branch, Branch.Side side, float limitReduction, double value, Consumer<LimitViolation> consumer, LimitType type)
      Generic implementation for temporary limit checks