Class PhaseTapPositionModification

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PhaseTapPositionModification extends AbstractTapPositionModification
Nicolas PIERRE <nicolas.pierre at>
  • Constructor Details

    • PhaseTapPositionModification

      public PhaseTapPositionModification(String transformerId, int tapPosition)
      Creates a PTC tap modification for two windings transformers, or three windings transformer with a single PTC.
      transformerId - the ID of the transformer, which holds the PTC
      tapPosition - the new tap position
    • PhaseTapPositionModification

      public PhaseTapPositionModification(String transformerId, int tapPosition, ThreeSides leg)
      Creates a PTC tap modification for three windings transformers on the given leg.
      transformerId - the ID of the three windings transformer, which holds the PTC
      tapPosition - the new tap position
      leg - defines on which leg of the three winding transformer the modification will be done.
  • Method Details

    • applyTwoWindingsTransformer

      protected void applyTwoWindingsTransformer(Network network, TwoWindingsTransformer twoWindingsTransformer, boolean throwException)
    • applyThreeWindingsTransformer

      protected void applyThreeWindingsTransformer(Network network, ThreeWindingsTransformer threeWindingsTransformer, boolean throwException)
    • apply

      public void apply(PhaseTapChangerHolder ptcHolder, boolean throwException)