Interface Generator

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Connectable<Generator>, Extendable<Generator>, Identifiable<Generator>, Injection<Generator>, ReactiveLimitsHolder

    public interface Generator
    extends Injection<Generator>, ReactiveLimitsHolder
    A power generator.


    Attribute Type Unit Required Defaut value Description
    Id String - yes - Unique identifier of the generator
    Name String - yes - Human-readable name of the generator
    EnergySource EnergySource - yes OTHER The energy source type
    MinP double MW yes - The minimum active power
    MaxP double MW yes - The maximum active power
    RegulatingTerminal Terminal - no The generator's terminal The terminal used for regulation
    VoltageRegulatorOn boolean - no false The voltage regulating status
    TargetP double MW yes - The active power target
    TargetQ double MVar yes only if `VoltageRegulatorOn` is set to false The reactive power target
    TargetV double kV yes only if `VoltageRegulatorOn` is set to true The voltage target
    RatedS double MVA yes - The rated nominal power
    ReactiveLimits - - no min/max Operational limits of the generator (P/Q/U diagram)

    To create a generator, see GeneratorAdder

    Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    See Also:
    GeneratorAdder, MinMaxReactiveLimits, ReactiveCapabilityCurve
    • Method Detail

      • getEnergySource

        EnergySource getEnergySource()
        Get the energy source.
      • getMaxP

        double getMaxP()
        Get the maximal active power in MW.
      • setMaxP

        Generator setMaxP​(double maxP)
        Set the maximal active power in MW.
      • getMinP

        double getMinP()
        Get the minimal active power in MW.
      • setMinP

        Generator setMinP​(double minP)
        Set the minimal active power in MW.
      • isVoltageRegulatorOn

        boolean isVoltageRegulatorOn()
        Get the voltage regulator status.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • setVoltageRegulatorOn

        Generator setVoltageRegulatorOn​(boolean voltageRegulatorOn)
        Set the voltage regulator status.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • getRegulatingTerminal

        Terminal getRegulatingTerminal()
        Get the terminal used for regulation.
        the terminal used for regulation
      • setRegulatingTerminal

        Generator setRegulatingTerminal​(Terminal regulatingTerminal)
      • getTargetV

        double getTargetV()
        Get the voltage target in kV.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • setTargetV

        Generator setTargetV​(double targetV)
        Set the voltage target in kV.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • getTargetP

        double getTargetP()
        Get the active power target in MW.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • setTargetP

        Generator setTargetP​(double targetP)
        Set the active power target in MW.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • getTargetQ

        double getTargetQ()
        Get the reactive power target in MVAR.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • setTargetQ

        Generator setTargetQ​(double targetQ)
        Set the reactive power target in MVAR.

        Depends on the working variant.

        See Also:
      • getRatedS

        double getRatedS()
        Get the rated nominal power (apparent power rating) in MVA.
        the rated nominal power in MVA or NaN if not defined
      • setRatedS

        Generator setRatedS​(double ratedS)