Interface GeneratorAdder

    • Method Detail

      • setVoltageRegulatorOn

        GeneratorAdder setVoltageRegulatorOn​(boolean voltageRegulatorOn)
      • setRegulatingTerminal

        GeneratorAdder setRegulatingTerminal​(Terminal regulatingTerminal)
        Set the regulating terminal, If not set or set to null local terminal is used.
      • add

        Generator add()
        Build the Generator object. This are the checks that are performed before creating the object : - energySource is set - minP is not equal to Double.NaN -> minP is set - maxP is not equal to Double.NaN -> maxP is set - regulatingTerminal is set - network of regulatingTerminal's voltageLevel is the network of the generator - targetP is not equal to Double.NaN -> targetP is set - targetP is not equal to Double.NaN -> targetP is set - minP <= maxP - ratedS is set and ratedS > 0
        Specified by:
        add in interface IdentifiableAdder<Generator,​GeneratorAdder>
        Specified by:
        add in interface InjectionAdder<Generator,​GeneratorAdder>