Class OpenBranchSide1ActiveFlowEquationTerm

    • Field Detail

      • b1

        protected final double b1
      • b2

        protected final double b2
      • g1

        protected final double g1
      • g2

        protected final double g2
      • y

        protected final double y
      • ksi

        protected final double ksi
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenBranchSide1ActiveFlowEquationTerm

        public OpenBranchSide1ActiveFlowEquationTerm​(LfBranch branch,
                                                     LfBus bus2,
                                                     VariableSet<AcVariableType> variableSet,
                                                     boolean deriveA1,
                                                     boolean deriveR1)
    • Method Detail

      • eval

        public double eval()
        Description copied from interface: EquationTerm
        Evaluate equation term.
        value of the equation term
      • der

        public double der​(Variable<AcVariableType> variable)
        Description copied from interface: EquationTerm
        Get partial derivative.
        variable - the variable the partial derivative is with respect to
        value of the partial derivative
      • shunt

        protected static double shunt​(double y,
                                      double cosKsi,
                                      double sinKsi,
                                      double g1,
                                      double b1)
      • getVariables

        public List<Variable<AcVariableType>> getVariables()
        Description copied from interface: EquationTerm
        Get the list of variable this equation term depends on.
        the list of variable this equation term depends on.