Class ImplicitCellDetector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ImplicitCellDetector
    extends Object
    implements CellDetector
    Benoit Jeanson , Nicolas Duchene, Geoffroy Jamgotchian
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImplicitCellDetector

        public ImplicitCellDetector​(boolean removeUnnecessaryFictitiousNodes,
                                    boolean substituteSingularFictitiousByFeederNode,
                                    boolean exceptionIfPatternNotHandled)
      • ImplicitCellDetector

        public ImplicitCellDetector()
    • Method Detail

      • detectCells

        public void detectCells​(VoltageLevelGraph graph)
        internCell detection : an internal cell is composed of nodes connecting BUSes without connecting Feeder. detectCell is used to detect cells exploring the graph and scanning exclusionTypes and stopTypes

        *************INTERN CELL******************* exclusion types = {FEEDER} : if a FEEDER type is reached it is not an INTERN CELL stop the visit if reach a Bus : stopTypes = {BUS} ***************EXTERN AND SHUNT CELLS****** detection : nodes connecting buses and departures without being in an internCell (previously allocated nodes) exclusion types = {} stop the visit if reach a Bus : stopTypes = {BUS,FEEDER} * @param graph g

        Specified by:
        detectCells in interface CellDetector