

object htmlSyntax

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. htmlSyntax
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CssClassable[Value] extends AnyRef

  2. sealed class Device extends MediaExpr

  3. trait DomIdable[Value] extends AnyRef

  4. class DynamicAttributeKey[Name <: String, Att <: AttributeType, Val] extends AttributeKey[Name, Att] with Dynamic

  5. type HtmlElement[T <: ElementType] = Element[_ <: ElementType, _ <: T, _ <: AttributeType]

  6. type HtmlRoot = Element[Top, ElementType, Html]

  7. class HttpEquiv extends AnyRef

  8. sealed class Media extends MediaExpr

  9. trait MediaExpr extends AnyRef

  10. sealed class Rel extends AnyRef

  11. final case class TypeOption(typeName: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def A[T <: ElementType]: Tag[T, T, A]

  7. val Address: Tag[Flow, Flow, AttributeType]

  8. val Area: Tag[Nothing, Phrasing, Area]

  9. val Article: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, AttributeType]

  10. val Aside: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, AttributeType]

  11. def Audio[T <: Embedded with Interactive]: Tag[T, T, Audio]

  12. val B: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  13. val Base: Tag[Nothing, Metadata, Base]

  14. val Bb: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing with Interactive, Bb]

  15. val Bdo: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  16. val Blockquote: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, Blockquote]

  17. val Body: Tag[Flow, Top, Body]

  18. val Br: Tag[Phrasing, Nothing, AttributeType]

  19. val Button: Tag[Nothing, Phrasing with Interactive, Button]

  20. def Canvas[T <: Embedded]: Tag[T, T, Canvas]

  21. val Caption: Tag[Phrasing, TableItems, AttributeType]

  22. val Cite: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  23. val Code: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  24. val Col: Tag[Nothing, ColItems, Col]

  25. val Colgroup: Tag[ColItems, TableItems, Col]

  26. val Command: Tag[Nothing, Metadata with Phrasing, Command]

  27. object CssClassable

  28. val Datalist: Tag[OptionItems, Phrasing with Interactive, AttributeType]

  29. val Dd: Tag[Flow, Definitions, AttributeType]

  30. def Del[T <: ElementType]: Tag[T, T, Edit]

  31. val Details: Tag[Flow, Interactive, Details]

  32. val Dfn: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  33. val Dialog: Tag[Definitions, Flow, AttributeType]

  34. val Div: Tag[Flow, Flow, AttributeType]

  35. val Dl: Tag[Definitions, Flow, AttributeType]

  36. object DomIdable

  37. val Dt: Tag[Phrasing, Definitions, AttributeType]

  38. val Em: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  39. val Embed: Tag[Text, Embedded, Embed]

  40. val Fieldset: Tag[Flow, Flow, Fieldset]

  41. val Figure: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, AttributeType]

  42. val Footer: Tag[Flow, Flow, AttributeType]

  43. val Form: Tag[Flow, Flow, Form]

  44. val H1: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  45. val H2: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  46. val H3: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  47. val H4: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  48. val H5: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  49. val H6: Tag[Phrasing, Heading, AttributeType]

  50. val Head: Tag[Metadata, Top, Nothing]

  51. val Header: Tag[Flow, Heading, AttributeType]

  52. val Hr: Tag[Nothing, Flow, AttributeType]

  53. val Html: Tag[Top, ElementType, Html]

  54. val I: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  55. val Iframe: Tag[Text, Embedded, Iframe]

  56. val Img: Tag[Nothing, Embedded, Img]

  57. val Input: Tag[Nothing, Phrasing with Interactive, Input]

  58. def Ins[T <: ElementType]: Tag[T, T, Edit]

  59. val Kbd: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  60. val Label: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing with Interactive, Label]

  61. val Legend: Tag[Phrasing, Flow, AttributeType]

  62. val Li: Tag[Flow, ListItems, Li]

  63. val Link: Tag[Nothing, Metadata, Link]

  64. val Map: Tag[Flow, Flow, Map]

  65. val Mark: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  66. val Menu: Tag[ListItems, Phrasing with Interactive, Menu]

  67. val Meta: Tag[Metadata, Metadata, Meta]

  68. val Meter: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, Meter]

  69. val Nav: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, AttributeType]

  70. val Noscript: Tag[Text, Metadata with Phrasing, AttributeType]

  71. def Object[T <: Embedded]: Tag[T, T, Object]

  72. val Ol: Tag[ListItems, Flow, Ol]

  73. val Optgroup: Tag[OptionItems, Phrasing, Optgroup]

  74. val Option: Tag[Text, OptionItems, Option]

  75. val Output: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, Output]

  76. val P: Tag[Phrasing, Flow, AttributeType]

  77. val Param: Tag[Flow, Embedded, Param]

  78. val Pre: Tag[Phrasing, Flow, AttributeType]

  79. val Progress: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  80. val Q: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  81. val Rp: Tag[Nothing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  82. val Rt: Tag[Nothing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  83. val Ruby: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  84. val Samp: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  85. val Script: Tag[Text, Metadata with Phrasing, Script]

  86. val Section: Tag[Flow, Sectioning, AttributeType]

  87. val Select: Tag[OptionItems, Phrasing with Interactive, Select]

  88. val Small: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  89. val Source: Tag[Nothing, Flow, Source]

  90. val Span: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  91. val Strong: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  92. val Style: Tag[Text, Metadata with Flow, AttributeType]

  93. val Sub: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  94. val Sup: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  95. val Table: Tag[TableItems, Flow, Area]

  96. val Tbody: Tag[TrItems, TableItems, AttributeType]

  97. val Td: Tag[Flow, TdItems, Td]

  98. val Textarea: Tag[Text, Phrasing with Interactive, Textarea]

  99. val Tfoot: Tag[TrItems, TableItems, AttributeType]

  100. val Th: Tag[Flow, TdItems, Th]

  101. val Thead: Tag[TrItems, TableItems, AttributeType]

  102. val Time: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  103. val Title: Tag[Text, Metadata, Global]

  104. val Tr: Tag[TdItems, TrItems, AttributeType]

  105. val Ul: Tag[ListItems, Flow, AttributeType]

  106. val Var: Tag[Phrasing, Phrasing, AttributeType]

  107. def Video[T <: Embedded with Interactive]: Tag[T, T, Video]

  108. implicit def accept: AttributeKey[String("accept"), Input with Menu] { type Value = String }

  109. implicit def acceptCharset: AttributeKey[String("accept-charset"), Form] { type Value = String }

  110. def acceptCharset_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Form, String]

  111. def accept_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Menu, String]

  112. implicit def action: AttributeKey[String("action"), Form with Input with Button] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  113. def action_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[Nothing, Form with Input with Button, PathLink]

  114. object all extends Device with Product with Serializable

  115. implicit def alt: AttributeKey[String("alt"), Img with Area with Input] { type Value = String }

  116. def alt_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[E, Img with Area with Input, String]

  117. object alternate extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  118. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  119. implicit def async: AttributeKey[String("async"), Script] { type Value = Boolean }

  120. def async_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Script, Boolean]

  121. object aural extends Device with Product with Serializable

  122. object author extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  123. implicit def autobuffer: AttributeKey[String("autobuffer"), Video with Audio] { type Value = Boolean }

  124. def autobuffer_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Video with Audio, Boolean]

  125. implicit def autocomplete: AttributeKey[String("autocomplete"), Form with Input] { type Value = Boolean }

  126. def autocomplete_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Form with Input, Boolean]

  127. implicit def autofocus: AttributeKey[String("autofocus"), Input with Button with Select with Textarea] { type Value = Boolean }

  128. def autofocus_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Button with Select with Textarea, Boolean]

  129. implicit def autoplay: AttributeKey[String("autoplay"), Video with Audio] { type Value = Boolean }

  130. def autoplay_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Video with Audio, Boolean]

  131. object bookmark extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  132. object braille extends Device with Product with Serializable

  133. val button: TypeOption

  134. implicit def charset: AttributeKey[String("charset"), Meta with Script] { type Value = rapture.codec.Encoding }

  135. def charset_=[E <: ElementType](v: Encoding): Attribute[E, Meta with Script, Encoding]

  136. val checkbox: TypeOption

  137. implicit def checked: AttributeKey[String("checked"), Input] { type Value = Boolean }

  138. def checked_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Input, Boolean]

  139. implicit def cite: AttributeKey[String("cite"), Blockquote with Q with Edit] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  140. def cite_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[Nothing, Blockquote with Q with Edit, PathLink]

  141. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  142. implicit def cls: AttributeKey[String("cls"), Global] { type Value = Seq[String] }

  143. def cls_=[E <: ElementType, Value](value: Value)(implicit arg0: CssClassable[Value]): Attribute[Nothing, Global, Seq[String]]

  144. val color: TypeOption

  145. implicit def cols: AttributeKey[String("cols"), Textarea] { type Value = Int }

  146. def cols_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[E, Textarea, Int]

  147. implicit def colspan: AttributeKey[String("colspan"), Td with Th] { type Value = Int }

  148. def colspan_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[E, Td with Th, Int]

  149. implicit def content: AttributeKey[String("content"), Meta] { type Value = String }

  150. object contentType extends HttpEquiv with Product with Serializable

  151. def content_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[E, Meta, String]

  152. implicit def controls: AttributeKey[String("controls"), Video with Audio] { type Value = Boolean }

  153. def controls_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Video with Audio, Boolean]

  154. implicit def coords: AttributeKey[String("coords"), Area] { type Value = String }

  155. def coords_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Area, String]

  156. implicit def data: DynamicAttributeKey[String("data"), Object, String]

  157. def data_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Object, String]

  158. val date: TypeOption

  159. implicit def datetime: AttributeKey[String("datetime"), Time with Edit] { type Value = String }

  160. val datetimeLocal: TypeOption

  161. def datetime_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Time with Edit, String]

  162. implicit def default: AttributeKey[String("default"), Command] { type Value = String }

  163. object defaultStyle extends HttpEquiv with Product with Serializable

  164. def default_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Command, String]

  165. implicit def defer: AttributeKey[String("defer"), Script] { type Value = Boolean }

  166. def defer_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Script, Boolean]

  167. implicit def dir: AttributeKey[String("dir"), Global] { type Value = Symbol }

  168. def dir_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Global, Symbol]

  169. def dynamic[Att <: AttributeType, Val](name: String, actualName: String = null)(serializer: (Val) ⇒ String): DynamicAttributeKey[htmlSyntax.dynamic.name.type, Att, Val]

  170. val email: TypeOption

  171. implicit def enctype: AttributeKey[String("enctype"), Form with Input with Button] { type Value = String }

  172. def enctype_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Form with Input with Button, String]

  173. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  174. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  175. val file: TypeOption

  176. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  177. implicit def for: AttributeKey[String("for"), Label] { type Value = Symbol }

  178. implicit def forName: AttributeKey[String("forName"), Option with Command with Menu] { type Value = Symbol }

  179. def forName_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Option with Command with Menu, Symbol]

  180. def for_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Label, Symbol]

  181. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  182. object handheld extends Device with Product with Serializable

  183. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  184. implicit def headers: AttributeKey[String("headers"), Td with Th] { type Value = Symbol }

  185. def headers_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Td with Th, Symbol]

  186. implicit def height: AttributeKey[String("height"), Img with Iframe with Embed with Object with Video with Canvas with Input] { type Value = Int }

  187. def height_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Img with Iframe with Embed with Object with Video with Canvas with Input, Int]

  188. object help extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  189. val hidden: TypeOption

  190. implicit def high: AttributeKey[String("high"), Meter] { type Value = Double }

  191. def high_=[E <: ElementType](v: Double): Attribute[E, Meter, Double]

  192. implicit def href: AttributeKey[String("href"), Base with Link with A with Area] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  193. def href_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[E, Base with Link with A with Area, PathLink]

  194. implicit def hreflang: AttributeKey[String("hreflang"), Link] { type Value = Symbol }

  195. def hreflang_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Link, Symbol]

  196. implicit def httpEquiv: AttributeKey[String("httpEquiv"), Meta] { type Value = rapture.html.htmlSyntax.HttpEquiv }

  197. def httpEquiv_=[E <: ElementType](v: HttpEquiv): Attribute[E, Meta, HttpEquiv]

  198. implicit def icon: AttributeKey[String("icon"), Command] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  199. def icon_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[Nothing, Command, PathLink]

  200. implicit def id: AttributeKey[String("id"), Global] { type Value = String }

  201. def id_=[E <: ElementType, Value](v: Value)(implicit arg0: DomIdable[Value]): Attribute[E, Global, String]

  202. val image: TypeOption

  203. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  204. implicit def ismap: AttributeKey[String("ismap"), Img] { type Value = Boolean }

  205. def ismap_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Img, Boolean]

  206. implicit def label: AttributeKey[String("label"), Option with Command with Menu] { type Value = String }

  207. def label_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Option with Command with Menu, String]

  208. implicit def lang: AttributeKey[String("lang"), Global] { type Value = Symbol }

  209. def lang_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[E, Global, Symbol]

  210. object license extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  211. implicit def list: AttributeKey[String("list"), Input] { type Value = Symbol }

  212. def list_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Input, Symbol]

  213. implicit def loop: AttributeKey[String("loop"), Video with Audio] { type Value = Boolean }

  214. def loop_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Video with Audio, Boolean]

  215. implicit def low: AttributeKey[String("low"), Meter] { type Value = Double }

  216. def low_=[E <: ElementType](v: Double): Attribute[E, Meter, Double]

  217. implicit def manifest: AttributeKey[String("manifest"), Html] { type Value = rapture.net.HttpUrl }

  218. def manifest_=[E <: ElementType](v: HttpUrl): Attribute[E, Html, HttpUrl]

  219. implicit def max: AttributeKey[String("max"), Progress with Meter with Input] { type Value = Double }

  220. def max_=[E <: ElementType](v: Double): Attribute[E, Progress with Meter with Input, Double]

  221. implicit def maxlength: AttributeKey[String("maxlength"), Input with Textarea] { type Value = Int }

  222. def maxlength_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Textarea, Int]

  223. implicit def media: AttributeKey[String("media"), Link with Style with A with Source with Area] { type Value = rapture.html.htmlSyntax.MediaExpr }

  224. def media_=[E <: ElementType](v: MediaExpr): Attribute[E, Link with Style with A with Source with Area, MediaExpr]

  225. implicit def method: AttributeKey[String("method"), Form with Input with Button] { type Value = String }

  226. def method_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Form with Input with Button, String]

  227. implicit def min: AttributeKey[String("min"), Meter with Input] { type Value = Double }

  228. def min_=[E <: ElementType](v: Double): Attribute[E, Meter with Input, Double]

  229. val month: TypeOption

  230. implicit def multiple: AttributeKey[String("multiple"), Input with Select] { type Value = Boolean }

  231. def multiple_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Select, Boolean]

  232. implicit def name: AttributeKey[String("name"), Meta with Iframe with Object with Param with Map with Form with Fieldset with Input with Button with Select with Textarea with Output] { type Value = Symbol }

  233. def name_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[E, Meta with Iframe with Object with Param with Map with Form with Fieldset with Input with Button with Select with Textarea with Output, Symbol]

  234. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  235. object next extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  236. object nofollow extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  237. object noreferrer extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  238. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  239. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  240. implicit def novalidate: AttributeKey[String("novalidate"), Form with Input with Button] { type Value = Boolean }

  241. def novalidate_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Form with Input with Button, Boolean]

  242. val number: TypeOption

  243. implicit def onbeforeunload: AttributeKey[String("onbeforeunload"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  244. def onbeforeunload_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  245. implicit def onblur: AttributeKey[String("onblur"), Input] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  246. def onblur_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Input, Js]

  247. implicit def onchange: AttributeKey[String("onchange"), Input] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  248. def onchange_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Input, Js]

  249. implicit def onclick: AttributeKey[String("onclick"), Global] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  250. def onclick_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[E, Global, Js]

  251. implicit def onerror: AttributeKey[String("onerror"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  252. def onerror_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  253. implicit def onhashchange: AttributeKey[String("onhashchange"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  254. def onhashchange_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  255. implicit def onkeypress: AttributeKey[String("onkeypress"), Global] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  256. def onkeypress_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Global, Js]

  257. implicit def onload: AttributeKey[String("onload"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  258. def onload_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[E, Body, Js]

  259. implicit def onmessage: AttributeKey[String("onmessage"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  260. def onmessage_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  261. implicit def onmouseout: AttributeKey[String("onmouseout"), Global] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  262. def onmouseout_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Global, Js]

  263. implicit def onmouseover: AttributeKey[String("onmouseover"), Global] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  264. def onmouseover_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Global, Js]

  265. implicit def onoffline: AttributeKey[String("onoffline"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  266. def onoffline_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  267. implicit def onpopstate: AttributeKey[String("onpopstate"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  268. def onpopstate_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  269. implicit def onresize: AttributeKey[String("onresize"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  270. def onresize_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  271. implicit def onstorage: AttributeKey[String("onstorage"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  272. def onstorage_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  273. implicit def onunload: AttributeKey[String("onunload"), Body] { type Value = rapture.js.Js }

  274. def onunload_=[E <: ElementType](v: Js): Attribute[Nothing, Body, Js]

  275. implicit def open: AttributeKey[String("open"), Details] { type Value = Boolean }

  276. def open_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[E, Details, Boolean]

  277. implicit def optimum: AttributeKey[String("optimum"), Meter] { type Value = Double }

  278. def optimum_=[E <: ElementType](v: Double): Attribute[E, Meter, Double]

  279. val password: TypeOption

  280. implicit def pattern: AttributeKey[String("pattern"), Input] { type Value = String }

  281. def pattern_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Input, String]

  282. implicit def ping: AttributeKey[String("ping"), Link with Area] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  283. def ping_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[Nothing, Link with Area, PathLink]

  284. implicit def placeholder: AttributeKey[String("placeholder"), Input] { type Value = String }

  285. def placeholder_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Input, String]

  286. implicit def poster: AttributeKey[String("poster"), Video] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  287. def poster_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[Nothing, Video, PathLink]

  288. object prefetch extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  289. object prev extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  290. object print extends Device with Product with Serializable

  291. object projection extends Device with Product with Serializable

  292. val radio: TypeOption

  293. implicit def radiogroup: AttributeKey[String("radiogroup"), Command] { type Value = Symbol }

  294. def radiogroup_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Command, Symbol]

  295. val range: TypeOption

  296. implicit def readonly: AttributeKey[String("readonly"), Input with Textarea] { type Value = Boolean }

  297. def readonly_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Textarea, Boolean]

  298. object refresh extends HttpEquiv with Product with Serializable

  299. implicit def rel: AttributeKey[String("rel"), Link with A with Area] { type Value = rapture.html.htmlSyntax.Rel }

  300. def rel_=[E <: ElementType](v: Rel): Attribute[E, Link with A with Area, Rel]

  301. implicit def required: AttributeKey[String("required"), Input with Textarea] { type Value = Boolean }

  302. def required_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Textarea, Boolean]

  303. val reset: TypeOption

  304. implicit def reversed: AttributeKey[String("reversed"), Ol] { type Value = Boolean }

  305. def reversed_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Ol, Boolean]

  306. implicit def rows: AttributeKey[String("rows"), Textarea] { type Value = Int }

  307. def rows_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[E, Textarea, Int]

  308. implicit def rowspan: AttributeKey[String("rowspan"), Td with Th] { type Value = Int }

  309. def rowspan_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[E, Td with Th, Int]

  310. implicit def sandbox: AttributeKey[String("sandbox"), Iframe] { type Value = Boolean }

  311. def sandbox_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Iframe, Boolean]

  312. implicit def scope: AttributeKey[String("scope"), Th] { type Value = Symbol }

  313. def scope_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[Nothing, Th, Symbol]

  314. implicit def scoped: AttributeKey[String("scoped"), Style] { type Value = Boolean }

  315. def scoped_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Style, Boolean]

  316. object screen extends Device with Product with Serializable

  317. implicit def seamless: AttributeKey[String("seamless"), Iframe] { type Value = Boolean }

  318. def seamless_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[Nothing, Iframe, Boolean]

  319. object search extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  320. implicit def selected: AttributeKey[String("selected"), Option] { type Value = Boolean }

  321. def selected_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[E, Option, Boolean]

  322. implicit def shape: AttributeKey[String("shape"), Area] { type Value = String }

  323. def shape_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Area, String]

  324. implicit def size: AttributeKey[String("size"), Input with Select] { type Value = Int }

  325. def size_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Input with Select, Int]

  326. implicit def sizes: AttributeKey[String("sizes"), Link] { type Value = String }

  327. def sizes_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Link, String]

  328. implicit def span: AttributeKey[String("span"), Col] { type Value = Int }

  329. def span_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[E, Col, Int]

  330. implicit def src: AttributeKey[String("src"), Script with Img with Iframe with Embed with Video with Audio with Source with Input] { type Value = rapture.uri.PathLink }

  331. def src_=[E <: ElementType, L](v: L)(implicit arg0: Linkable[L]): Attribute[E, Script with Img with Iframe with Embed with Video with Audio with Source with Input, PathLink]

  332. implicit def start: AttributeKey[String("start"), Ol] { type Value = Int }

  333. def start_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Ol, Int]

  334. implicit def step: AttributeKey[String("step"), Input] { type Value = Int }

  335. def step_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Input, Int]

  336. implicit def stringToTextNode(str: String): TextNode[Nothing, Nothing, Text]

  337. implicit def style: AttributeKey[String("style"), Global] { type Value = rapture.css.Css }

  338. def style_=[E <: ElementType](v: Css): Attribute[E, Global, Css]

  339. object stylesheet extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  340. val submit: TypeOption

  341. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  342. object tag extends Rel with Product with Serializable

  343. implicit def target: AttributeKey[String("target"), Base with Link with A with Area with Form with Input with Button] { type Value = Symbol }

  344. def target_=[E <: ElementType](v: Symbol): Attribute[E, Base with Link with A with Area with Form with Input with Button, Symbol]

  345. val tel: TypeOption

  346. val text: TypeOption

  347. val time: TypeOption

  348. implicit def title: AttributeKey[String("title"), Global] { type Value = String }

  349. def title_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[E, Global, String]

  350. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  351. implicit def translate: AttributeKey[String("translate"), Global] { type Value = Boolean }

  352. def translate_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[E, Global, Boolean]

  353. object tty extends Device with Product with Serializable

  354. object tv extends Device with Product with Serializable

  355. implicit def typ: AttributeKey[String("typ"), Link with Style with Script with A with Embed with Object with Source with Area with Input with Button with Command with Bb with Menu] { type Value = String }

  356. def typ_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[E, Link with Style with Script with A with Embed with Object with Source with Area with Input with Button with Command with Bb with Menu, String]

  357. val url: TypeOption

  358. implicit def usemap: AttributeKey[String("usemap"), Img with Object] { type Value = String }

  359. def usemap_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[Nothing, Img with Object, String]

  360. implicit def value: AttributeKey[String("value"), Li with Progress with Meter with Param with Input with Button with Option] { type Value = String }

  361. def value_=[E <: ElementType](v: String): Attribute[E, Li with Progress with Meter with Param with Input with Button with Option, String]

  362. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  363. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  364. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  365. val week: TypeOption

  366. implicit def width: AttributeKey[String("width"), Img with Iframe with Embed with Object with Video with Canvas with Input] { type Value = Int }

  367. def width_=[E <: ElementType](v: Int): Attribute[Nothing, Img with Iframe with Embed with Object with Video with Canvas with Input, Int]

  368. implicit def wrap: AttributeKey[String("wrap"), Textarea] { type Value = Boolean }

  369. def wrap_=[E <: ElementType](v: Boolean): Attribute[E, Textarea, Boolean]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
