Class DefaultLogger

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultLogger

        public DefaultLogger​( outputStream,
                             AutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions outputStreamOptions)
        Creates a new DefaultLogger instance.
        outputStream - where to log audit events
        outputStreamOptions - if CLOSE that should be closed in auditFinished()
      • DefaultLogger

        public DefaultLogger​( outputStream,
                             AbstractAutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions outputStreamOptions)
        Creates a new DefaultLogger instance.
        outputStream - where to log audit events
        outputStreamOptions - if CLOSE that should be closed in auditFinished()
      • DefaultLogger

        public DefaultLogger​( infoStream,
                             AbstractAutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions infoStreamOptions,
                             AbstractAutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions errorStreamOptions)
        Creates a new DefaultLogger instance.
        infoStream - the OutputStream for info messages.
        infoStreamOptions - if CLOSE info should be closed in auditFinished()
        errorStream - the OutputStream for error messages.
        errorStreamOptions - if CLOSE error should be closed in auditFinished()
      • DefaultLogger

        public DefaultLogger​( infoStream,
                             AbstractAutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions infoStreamOptions,
                             AbstractAutomaticBean.OutputStreamOptions errorStreamOptions,
                             AuditEventFormatter messageFormatter)
        Creates a new DefaultLogger instance.
        infoStream - the OutputStream for info messages
        infoStreamOptions - if CLOSE info should be closed in auditFinished()
        errorStream - the OutputStream for error messages
        errorStreamOptions - if CLOSE error should be closed in auditFinished()
        messageFormatter - formatter for the log message.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if stream options are null