Class AbstractClassCouplingCheck.ClassContext

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private DetailAST classAst
      AST of class definition.
      private java.lang.String className
      Own class name.
      private java.util.Set<java.lang.String> referencedClassNames
      Set of referenced classes.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      private ClassContext​(java.lang.String className, DetailAST ast)
      Create new context associated with given class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void addReferencedClassName​(DetailAST ast)
      Adds new referenced class.
      private void addReferencedClassName​(java.lang.String referencedClassName)
      Adds new referenced class.
      void checkCoupling()
      Checks if coupling less than allowed or not.
      private java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getClassNameWithPackage​(java.lang.String examineClassName)
      Retrieves class name with packages.
      private boolean isExcludedClassRegexp​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
      Checks if given class should be ignored as it belongs to excluded class regexp.
      private boolean isFromExcludedPackage​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
      Checks if given class should be ignored as it belongs to excluded package.
      private boolean isSignificant​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
      Checks if given class shouldn't be ignored and not from java.lang.
      void visitLiteralNew​(DetailAST ast)
      Visits NEW.
      void visitLiteralThrows​(DetailAST literalThrows)
      Visits throws clause and collects all exceptions we throw.
      void visitType​(DetailAST ast)
      Visits type.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • referencedClassNames

        private final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> referencedClassNames
        Set of referenced classes. Sorted by name for predictable violation messages in unit tests.
      • className

        private final java.lang.String className
        Own class name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassContext

        private ClassContext​(java.lang.String className,
                             DetailAST ast)
        Create new context associated with given class.
        className - name of the given class.
        ast - ast of class definition.
    • Method Detail

      • visitLiteralThrows

        public void visitLiteralThrows​(DetailAST literalThrows)
        Visits throws clause and collects all exceptions we throw.
        literalThrows - throws to process.
      • visitType

        public void visitType​(DetailAST ast)
        Visits type.
        ast - type to process.
      • addReferencedClassName

        private void addReferencedClassName​(DetailAST ast)
        Adds new referenced class.
        ast - a node which represents referenced class.
      • addReferencedClassName

        private void addReferencedClassName​(java.lang.String referencedClassName)
        Adds new referenced class.
        referencedClassName - class name of the referenced class.
      • checkCoupling

        public void checkCoupling()
        Checks if coupling less than allowed or not.
      • isSignificant

        private boolean isSignificant​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
        Checks if given class shouldn't be ignored and not from java.lang.
        candidateClassName - class to check.
        true if we should count this class.
      • isFromExcludedPackage

        private boolean isFromExcludedPackage​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
        Checks if given class should be ignored as it belongs to excluded package.
        candidateClassName - class to check
        true if we should not count this class.
      • getClassNameWithPackage

        private java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> getClassNameWithPackage​(java.lang.String examineClassName)
        Retrieves class name with packages. Uses previously registered imports to get the full class name.
        examineClassName - Class name to be retrieved.
        Class name with package name, if found, Optional.empty() otherwise.
      • isExcludedClassRegexp

        private boolean isExcludedClassRegexp​(java.lang.String candidateClassName)
        Checks if given class should be ignored as it belongs to excluded class regexp.
        candidateClassName - class to check.
        true if we should not count this class.