Class SeverityMatchFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, Contextualizable, Filter

    public class SeverityMatchFilter
    extends AbstractAutomaticBean
    implements Filter

    Filter SeverityMatchFilter decides audit events according to the severity level of the event.

    SeverityMatchFilter can suppress Checks that have Treewalker or Checker as parent module.

    • Property severity - Specify the severity level of this filter. Type is Default value is error.
    • Property acceptOnMatch - Control whether the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is a match between the event's severity level and property severity. If acceptOnMatch is false, then the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is not a match between the event's severity level and property severity. Type is boolean. Default value is true.

    For example, the following configuration fragment directs the Checker to not report audit events with severity level info:

     <module name="SeverityMatchFilter">
       <property name="severity" value="info"/>
       <property name="acceptOnMatch" value="false"/>

    Parent is

    • Field Detail

      • acceptOnMatch

        private boolean acceptOnMatch
        Control whether the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is a match between the event's severity level and property severity. If acceptOnMatch is false, then the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is not a match between the event's severity level and property severity.
    • Method Detail

      • setSeverity

        public final void setSeverity​(SeverityLevel severity)
        Setter to specify the severity level of this filter.
        severity - The new severity level
        See Also:
      • setAcceptOnMatch

        public final void setAcceptOnMatch​(boolean acceptOnMatch)
        Setter to control whether the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is a match between the event's severity level and property severity. If acceptOnMatch is false, then the filter accepts an audit event if and only if there is not a match between the event's severity level and property severity.
        acceptOnMatch - if true, accept on matches; if false, reject on matches.
      • accept

        public boolean accept​(AuditEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Determines whether or not a filtered AuditEvent is accepted.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface Filter
        event - the AuditEvent to filter.
        true if the event is accepted.