Class InlineTagUtil

  • public final class InlineTagUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Tools for extracting inline tags from Javadoc comments.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      private InlineTagUtil()
      Prevent instantiation.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private static java.lang.String collapseWhitespace​(java.lang.String str)
      Collapse whitespaces.
      private static java.lang.String convertLinesToString​(java.lang.String... lines)
      Convert array of string to single String.
      static java.util.List<TagInfo> extractInlineTags​(java.lang.String... lines)
      Extract inline Javadoc tags from the given comment.
      private static LineColumn getLineColumnOfIndex​(java.lang.String source, int index)
      Get LineColumn from string till index.
      private static java.lang.String removeLeadingJavaDoc​(java.lang.String source)
      Remove leading JavaDoc.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • extractInlineTags

        public static java.util.List<TagInfoextractInlineTags​(java.lang.String... lines)
        Extract inline Javadoc tags from the given comment.
        lines - The Javadoc comment (as lines).
        The extracted inline Javadoc tags.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when comment lines contain newlines
      • convertLinesToString

        private static java.lang.String convertLinesToString​(java.lang.String... lines)
        Convert array of string to single String.
        lines - A number of lines, in order.
        The lines, joined together with newlines, as a single string.
      • getLineColumnOfIndex

        private static LineColumn getLineColumnOfIndex​(java.lang.String source,
                                                       int index)
        Get LineColumn from string till index.
        source - Source string.
        index - An index into the string.
        A position in the source representing what line and column that index appears on.
      • collapseWhitespace

        private static java.lang.String collapseWhitespace​(java.lang.String str)
        Collapse whitespaces.
        str - Source string.
        The given string with all whitespace collapsed.
      • removeLeadingJavaDoc

        private static java.lang.String removeLeadingJavaDoc​(java.lang.String source)
        Remove leading JavaDoc.
        source - A string to remove leading Javadoc from.
        The given string with leading Javadoc "*" characters from each line removed.