Class SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, Contextualizable, TreeWalkerFilter

    public class SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter
    extends AbstractAutomaticBean
    implements TreeWalkerFilter

    Filter SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter uses nearby comments to suppress audit events.

    Rationale: Same as SuppressionCommentFilter. Whereas the SuppressionCommentFilter uses matched pairs of filters to turn on/off comment matching, SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter uses single comments. This requires fewer lines to mark a region, and may be aesthetically preferable in some contexts.

    Attention: This filter may only be specified within the TreeWalker module (<module name="TreeWalker"/>) and only applies to checks which are also defined within this module. To filter non-TreeWalker checks like RegexpSingleline, a SuppressWithPlainTextCommentFilter or similar filter must be used.

    SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter can suppress Checks that have Treewalker as parent module.

    • Property checkC - Control whether to check C style comments (/* ... */). Type is boolean. Default value is true.
    • Property checkCPP - Control whether to check C++ style comments (//). Type is boolean. Default value is true.
    • Property checkFormat - Specify check pattern to suppress. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is ".*".
    • Property commentFormat - Specify comment pattern to trigger filter to begin suppression. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is "SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE (\w+)".
    • Property idFormat - Specify check ID pattern to suppress. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is null.
    • Property influenceFormat - Specify negative/zero/positive value that defines the number of lines preceding/at/following the suppression comment. Type is java.lang.String. Default value is "0".
    • Property messageFormat - Define message pattern to suppress. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is null.

    Parent is

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private boolean checkC
      Control whether to check C style comments (/* ... */).
      private boolean checkCPP
      Control whether to check C++ style comments (//).
      private java.lang.String checkFormat
      Specify check pattern to suppress.
      private java.util.regex.Pattern commentFormat
      Specify comment pattern to trigger filter to begin suppression.
      private static java.lang.String DEFAULT_CHECK_FORMAT
      Default regex for checks that should be suppressed.
      private static java.lang.String DEFAULT_COMMENT_FORMAT
      Format to turn checkstyle reporting off.
      private static java.lang.String DEFAULT_INFLUENCE_FORMAT
      Default regex for lines that should be suppressed.
      private java.lang.ref.WeakReference<FileContents> fileContentsReference
      References the current FileContents for this filter.
      private java.lang.String idFormat
      Specify check ID pattern to suppress.
      private java.lang.String influenceFormat
      Specify negative/zero/positive value that defines the number of lines preceding/at/following the suppression comment.
      private java.lang.String messageFormat
      Define message pattern to suppress.
      private java.util.List<SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter.Tag> tags
      Tagged comments.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean accept​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent event)
      Determines whether or not a filtered TreeWalkerAuditEvent is accepted.
      private void addTag​(java.lang.String text, int line)
      Adds a comment suppression Tag to the list of all tags.
      protected void finishLocalSetup()
      Provides a hook to finish the part of this component's setup that was not handled by the bean introspection.
      private FileContents getFileContents()
      Returns FileContents for this filter.
      private boolean matchesTag​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent event)
      Whether current event matches any tag from tags.
      void setCheckC​(boolean checkC)
      Setter to control whether to check C style comments (&#47;* ... *&#47;).
      void setCheckCPP​(boolean checkCpp)
      Setter to control whether to check C++ style comments (//).
      void setCheckFormat​(java.lang.String format)
      Setter to specify check pattern to suppress.
      void setCommentFormat​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
      Setter to specify comment pattern to trigger filter to begin suppression.
      private void setFileContents​(FileContents fileContents)
      Set the FileContents for this filter.
      void setIdFormat​(java.lang.String format)
      Setter to specify check ID pattern to suppress.
      void setInfluenceFormat​(java.lang.String format)
      Setter to specify negative/zero/positive value that defines the number of lines preceding/at/following the suppression comment.
      void setMessageFormat​(java.lang.String format)
      Setter to define message pattern to suppress.
      private void tagCommentLine​(java.lang.String text, int line)
      Tags a string if it matches the format for turning checkstyle reporting on or the format for turning reporting off.
      private void tagSuppressions()
      Collects all the suppression tags for all comments into a list and sorts the list.
      private void tagSuppressions​(java.util.Collection<TextBlock> comments)
      Appends the suppressions in a collection of comments to the full set of suppression tags.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • checkC

        private boolean checkC
        Control whether to check C style comments (&#47;* ... *&#47;).
      • checkCPP

        private boolean checkCPP
        Control whether to check C++ style comments (//).
      • commentFormat

        private java.util.regex.Pattern commentFormat
        Specify comment pattern to trigger filter to begin suppression.
      • checkFormat

        private java.lang.String checkFormat
        Specify check pattern to suppress.
      • messageFormat

        private java.lang.String messageFormat
        Define message pattern to suppress.
      • idFormat

        private java.lang.String idFormat
        Specify check ID pattern to suppress.
      • influenceFormat

        private java.lang.String influenceFormat
        Specify negative/zero/positive value that defines the number of lines preceding/at/following the suppression comment.
      • fileContentsReference

        private java.lang.ref.WeakReference<FileContents> fileContentsReference
        References the current FileContents for this filter. Since this is a weak reference to the FileContents, the FileContents can be reclaimed as soon as the strong references in TreeWalker are reassigned to the next FileContents, at which time filtering for the current FileContents is finished.
    • Method Detail

      • setCommentFormat

        public final void setCommentFormat​(java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
        Setter to specify comment pattern to trigger filter to begin suppression.
        pattern - a pattern.
      • getFileContents

        private FileContents getFileContents()
        Returns FileContents for this filter.
        the FileContents for this filter.
      • setFileContents

        private void setFileContents​(FileContents fileContents)
        Set the FileContents for this filter.
        fileContents - the FileContents for this filter.
      • setCheckFormat

        public final void setCheckFormat​(java.lang.String format)
        Setter to specify check pattern to suppress.
        format - a String value
      • setMessageFormat

        public void setMessageFormat​(java.lang.String format)
        Setter to define message pattern to suppress.
        format - a String value
      • setIdFormat

        public void setIdFormat​(java.lang.String format)
        Setter to specify check ID pattern to suppress.
        format - a String value
      • setInfluenceFormat

        public final void setInfluenceFormat​(java.lang.String format)
        Setter to specify negative/zero/positive value that defines the number of lines preceding/at/following the suppression comment.
        format - a String value
      • setCheckCPP

        public void setCheckCPP​(boolean checkCpp)
        Setter to control whether to check C++ style comments (//).
        checkCpp - true if C++ comments are checked.
      • setCheckC

        public void setCheckC​(boolean checkC)
        Setter to control whether to check C style comments (&#47;* ... *&#47;).
        checkC - true if C comments are checked.
      • accept

        public boolean accept​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: TreeWalkerFilter
        Determines whether or not a filtered TreeWalkerAuditEvent is accepted.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface TreeWalkerFilter
        event - the TreeWalkerAuditEvent to filter.
        true if the event is accepted.
      • matchesTag

        private boolean matchesTag​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent event)
        Whether current event matches any tag from tags.
        event - TreeWalkerAuditEvent to test match on tags.
        true if event matches any tag from tags, false otherwise.
      • tagSuppressions

        private void tagSuppressions()
        Collects all the suppression tags for all comments into a list and sorts the list.
      • tagSuppressions

        private void tagSuppressions​(java.util.Collection<TextBlock> comments)
        Appends the suppressions in a collection of comments to the full set of suppression tags.
        comments - the set of comments.
      • tagCommentLine

        private void tagCommentLine​(java.lang.String text,
                                    int line)
        Tags a string if it matches the format for turning checkstyle reporting on or the format for turning reporting off.
        text - the string to tag.
        line - the line number of text.
      • addTag

        private void addTag​(java.lang.String text,
                            int line)
        Adds a comment suppression Tag to the list of all tags.
        text - the text of the tag.
        line - the line number of the tag.