Class UnusedLocalVariableCheck.TypeDeclDesc

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeDeclDesc

        private TypeDeclDesc​(java.lang.String qualifiedName,
                             int depth,
                             DetailAST typeDeclAst)
        Create a new TypeDeclDesc instance.
        qualifiedName - qualified name
        depth - depth of nesting
        typeDeclAst - type declaration ast node
    • Method Detail

      • getQualifiedName

        public java.lang.String getQualifiedName()
        Get the complete type declaration name i.e. type declaration name with package name and outer type declaration name.
        qualified class name
      • getDepth

        public int getDepth()
        Get the depth of type declaration.
        the depth of nesting of type declaration
      • getTypeDeclAst

        public DetailAST getTypeDeclAst()
        Get the type declaration ast node.
        ast node of the type declaration