Class AnonInnerLengthCheck

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, Contextualizable

    public class AnonInnerLengthCheck
    extends AbstractCheck

    Checks for long anonymous inner classes.

    Rationale: If an anonymous inner class becomes very long it is hard to understand and to see the flow of the method where the class is defined. Therefore, long anonymous inner classes should usually be refactored into a named inner class. See also Bloch, Effective Java, p. 93.

    • Property max - Specify the maximum number of lines allowed. Type is int. Default value is 20.

    To configure the check to accept anonymous classes with up to 20 lines:

     <module name="AnonInnerLength"/>

    To configure the check to accept anonymous classes with up to 60 lines:

     <module name="AnonInnerLength">
       <property name="max" value="60"/>

    Parent is

    Violation Message Keys:

    • maxLen.anonInner
    • Field Detail

      • MSG_KEY

        public static final java.lang.String MSG_KEY
        A key is pointing to the warning message text in "" file.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • max

        private int max
        Specify the maximum number of lines allowed.
    • Method Detail

      • getAcceptableTokens

        public int[] getAcceptableTokens()
        Description copied from class: AbstractCheck
        The configurable token set. Used to protect Checks against malicious users who specify an unacceptable token set in the configuration file. The default implementation returns the check's default tokens.
        Specified by:
        getAcceptableTokens in class AbstractCheck
        the token set this check is designed for.
        See Also:
      • setMax

        public void setMax​(int length)
        Setter to specify the maximum number of lines allowed.
        length - the maximum length of an anonymous inner class.