Class SuppressionXpathSingleFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Configurable, Contextualizable, TreeWalkerFilter

    public class SuppressionXpathSingleFilter
    extends AbstractAutomaticBean
    implements TreeWalkerFilter

    Filter SuppressionXpathSingleFilter suppresses audit events for Checks violations in the specified file, class, checks, message, module id, and xpath.

    Rationale: To allow users use suppressions configured in the same config with other modules. SuppressionFilter and SuppressionXpathFilter are require separate file.

    Advice: If checkstyle configuration is used for several projects, single suppressions on common files/folders is better to put in checkstyle configuration as common rule. All suppression that are for specific file names is better to keep in project specific config file.

    Attention: This filter only supports single suppression, and will need multiple instances if users wants to suppress multiple violations.

    SuppressionXpathSingleFilter can suppress Checks that have Treewalker as parent module.

    • Property files - Define a Regular Expression matched against the file name associated with an audit event. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is null.
    • Property checks - Define a Regular Expression matched against the name of the check associated with an audit event. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is null.
    • Property message - Define a Regular Expression matched against the message of the check associated with an audit event. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is null.
    • Property id - Define a string matched against the ID of the check associated with an audit event. Type is java.lang.String. Default value is null.
    • Property query - Define a string xpath query. Type is java.lang.String. Default value is null.

    To configure to suppress the MethodName check for all methods with name MyMethod inside FileOne and FileTwo files:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value="File(One|Two)\.java"/>
       <property name="checks" value="MethodName"/>
       <property name="query" value="(//CLASS_DEF[@text='FileOne']/OBJBLOCK/

    Code example:

     public class FileOne {
       public void MyMethod() {} // OK
     public class FileTwo {
       public void MyMethod() {} // OK
     public class FileThree {
       public void MyMethod() {} // violation, name 'MyMethod'
                                 // must match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    To suppress MethodName check for method names matched pattern 'MyMethod[0-9]':

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="MethodName"/>
       <property name="message" value="MyMethod[0-9]"/>

    Code Example:

     public class FileOne {
       public void MyMethod1() {} // OK
       public void MyMethod2() {} // OK
       public void MyMethodA() {} // violation, name 'MyMethodA' must
                                  // match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    To suppress checks being specified by id property:

     <module name="MethodName">
       <property name="id" value="MethodName1"/>
       <property name="format" value="^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$"/>
     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value=""/>
       <property name="id" value="MethodName1"/>

    Code example:

     public class FileOne {
       public void MyMethod() {} // OK
     public class FileTwo {
       public void MyMethod() {} // violation,  name 'MyMethod' must
                                 //match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    To suppress checks for all package definitions:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="PackageName"/>
       <property name="query" value="/PACKAGE_DEF[@text='File']/IDENT"/>

    Code example:

     package File; // OK
     public class FileOne {}

    To suppress RedundantModifier check for interface definitions:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="RedundantModifier"/>
       <property name="query" value="//INTERFACE_DEF//*"/>

    Code Example:

     public interface TestClass {
       public static final int CONSTANT1 = 1;  // OK

    To suppress checks in the FileOne file by non-query:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value=""/>
       <property name="checks" value="MyMethod"/>

    Code example:

     public class FileOne {
       public void MyMethod() {} // OK
     public class FileTwo {
       public void MyMethod() {} // violation, name 'MyMethod'
                                 // must match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    Suppress checks for elements which are either class definitions, either method definitions:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value=".*"/>
       <property name="query"

    Code example:

     abstract class FileOne { // OK
       public void MyMethod() {} // OK
     abstract class FileTwo { // violation of the AbstractClassName check,
                              // it should match the pattern "^Abstract.+$"
       public void MyMethod() {} // violation, name 'MyMethod'
                                 // must match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    Suppress checks for MyMethod1 or MyMethod2 methods:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="MethodName"/>
       <property name="query" value="//CLASS_DEF[@text='FileOne']/OBJBLOCK/
                 METHOD_DEF[@text='MyMethod1' or @text='MyMethod2']/IDENT"/>

    Code example:

     public class FileOne {
       public void MyMethod1() {} // OK
       public void MyMethod2() {} // OK
       public void MyMethod3() {} // violation, name 'MyMethod3' must
                                  // match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'

    Suppress checks for variable testVariable inside testMethod method inside TestClass class:

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="LocalFinalVariableName"/>
       <property name="query" value="//CLASS_DEF[@text='TestClass']/OBJBLOCK

    Code Example:

     public class TestClass {
       public void testMethod() {
         final int testVariable1 = 10; // OK
         final int testVariable2 = 10; // violation of the LocalFinalVariableName check,
                                       // name 'testVariable2' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*$'

    In the following sample, violations for LeftCurly check will be suppressed for classes with name Main or for methods with name calculate.

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="LeftCurly"/>
       <property name="query" value="//CLASS_DEF[@text='TestClass']/OBJBLOCK

    Code Example:

     public class TestClass {
       public void testMethod1()
       { // OK
       public void testMethod2()
       { // violation, '{' should be on the previous line

    The following example demonstrates how to suppress RequireThis violations for variable age inside changeAge method.

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="RequireThis"/>
       <property name="query" value="//CLASS_DEF[@text='InputTest']

    Code Example:

     public class InputTest {
       private int age = 23;
       public void changeAge() {
         age = 24; // violation will be suppressed

    Suppress IllegalThrows violations only for methods with name throwsMethod and only for RuntimeException exceptions. Double colon is used for axis iterations. In the following example ancestor axis is used to iterate all ancestor nodes of the current node with type METHOD_DEF and name throwsMethod. Please read more about xpath axes at W3Schools Xpath Axes.

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value="IllegalThrows"/>
       <property name="query" value="//LITERAL_THROWS/IDENT[
           ..[@text='RuntimeException'] and ./ancestor::METHOD_DEF[@text='throwsMethod']]"/>

    Code Example:

     public class InputTest {
       public void throwsMethod() throws RuntimeException { // violation will be suppressed
       public void sampleMethod() throws RuntimeException { // will throw violation here

    The following sample demonstrates how to suppress all violations for method itself and all descendants. descendant-or-self axis iterates through current node and all children nodes at any level. Keyword node() selects node elements. Please read more about xpath syntax at W3Schools Xpath Syntax.

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="checks" value=".*"/>
       <property name="query" value="//METHOD_DEF[@text='TestMethod1']

    Code Example:

     public class TestClass {
       public void TestMethod1() { // OK
         final int num = 10; // OK
       public void TestMethod2() { // violation of the MethodName check,
                                   // name 'TestMethod2' must match pattern '^[a-z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'
         final int num = 10; // violation of the LocalFinalVariableName check,
                             // name 'num' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*$'

    The following example is an example of what checks would be suppressed while building Spring projects with checkstyle plugin. Please find more information at: spring-javaformat

     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value="[\\/]src[\\/]test[\\/]java[\\/]"/>
       <property name="checks" value="Javadoc*"/>
     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value=".*Tests\.java">
       <property name="checks" value="Javadoc*">
     <module name="SuppressionXpathSingleFilter">
       <property name="files" value="generated-sources">
       <property name="checks" value="[a-zA-Z0-9]*">

    Parent is

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private java.util.regex.Pattern checks
      Define a Regular Expression matched against the name of the check associated with an audit event.
      private java.util.regex.Pattern files
      Define a Regular Expression matched against the file name associated with an audit event.
      private java.lang.String id
      Define a string matched against the ID of the check associated with an audit event.
      private java.util.regex.Pattern message
      Define a Regular Expression matched against the message of the check associated with an audit event.
      private java.lang.String query
      Define a string xpath query.
      private XpathFilterElement xpathFilter
      XpathFilterElement instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean accept​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent treeWalkerAuditEvent)
      Determines whether or not a filtered TreeWalkerAuditEvent is accepted.
      protected void finishLocalSetup()
      Provides a hook to finish the part of this component's setup that was not handled by the bean introspection.
      void setChecks​(java.lang.String checks)
      Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the name of the check associated with an audit event.
      void setFiles​(java.lang.String files)
      Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the file name associated with an audit event.
      void setId​(java.lang.String id)
      Setter to define a string matched against the ID of the check associated with an audit event.
      void setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the message of the check associated with an audit event.
      void setQuery​(java.lang.String query)
      Setter to define a string xpath query.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • files

        private java.util.regex.Pattern files
        Define a Regular Expression matched against the file name associated with an audit event.
      • checks

        private java.util.regex.Pattern checks
        Define a Regular Expression matched against the name of the check associated with an audit event.
      • message

        private java.util.regex.Pattern message
        Define a Regular Expression matched against the message of the check associated with an audit event.
      • id

        private java.lang.String id
        Define a string matched against the ID of the check associated with an audit event.
      • query

        private java.lang.String query
        Define a string xpath query.
    • Method Detail

      • setFiles

        public void setFiles​(java.lang.String files)
        Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the file name associated with an audit event.
        files - the name of the file
      • setChecks

        public void setChecks​(java.lang.String checks)
        Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the name of the check associated with an audit event.
        checks - the name of the check
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
        Setter to define a Regular Expression matched against the message of the check associated with an audit event.
        message - the message of the check
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Setter to define a string matched against the ID of the check associated with an audit event.
        id - the ID of the check
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(java.lang.String query)
        Setter to define a string xpath query.
        query - the xpath query
      • accept

        public boolean accept​(TreeWalkerAuditEvent treeWalkerAuditEvent)
        Description copied from interface: TreeWalkerFilter
        Determines whether or not a filtered TreeWalkerAuditEvent is accepted.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface TreeWalkerFilter
        treeWalkerAuditEvent - the TreeWalkerAuditEvent to filter.
        true if the event is accepted.