

package model

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AggregateFactory extends EventSourced

  2. case class AggregateId(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  3. trait AggregateRoot extends EventSourced

  4. sealed trait AggregateType extends AnyRef

  5. case class AggregateVersion(number: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class Assignee(username: String) extends Product with Serializable

  7. trait EventSourced extends AnyRef

  8. case class Payload(content: Map[String, Any]) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class QueueBinding(id: QueueId) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class QueueId(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  11. sealed trait Status extends AnyRef

  12. case class Task(uncommittedEvents: List[Event], aggregateId: AggregateId, version: AggregateVersion, created: DateTime, assignee: Option[Assignee], concluder: Option[User], conclusionType: Option[String], queueBinding: QueueBinding, status: Status, triggerDate: DateTime, payload: Payload, score: Long) extends AggregateRoot with Product with Serializable

  13. case class User(username: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AggregateType

  2. object AggregateVersion extends Serializable

  3. object Payload extends Serializable

  4. object Status

  5. object Task extends AggregateFactory with Serializable

  6. package patch
