

package sumac

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Arg extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  2. trait ArgApp[T <: FieldArgs] extends Argable[T] with App

  3. trait ArgAssignable extends AnyRef

    Container for one argument, that has name, type, and can be assigned a value.

  4. class ArgBuilderArgs extends FieldArgs

  5. case class ArgException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends IllegalArgumentException with Product with Serializable

  6. trait ArgFunction[T <: FieldArgs, U] extends (T) ⇒ U with Argable[T]

  7. trait ArgMain[T <: FieldArgs] extends Argable[T]

  8. trait Argable[T <: Args] extends AnyRef

  9. trait Args extends ExternalConfig with Serializable

  10. class ArgumentParser[T <: ArgAssignable] extends AnyRef

  11. abstract class CollectionParser[T] extends CompoundParser[T]

  12. trait CompoundParser[T] extends Parser[T]

  13. class DateParser extends Parser[AnyRef]

  14. trait ExternalConfig extends AnyRef

    Some external source of config information.

  15. class FieldArgAssignable extends ArgAssignable

  16. trait FieldArgs extends Args

    Mix this trait into any class that you want to turn into an "argument holder".

  17. trait FieldArgsExceptionOnUnparseable extends FieldArgs

    Use this trait if you want an exception anytime your Argument class has a field that we don't know how to parse.

  18. class Ignore extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  19. class MyArgs extends FieldArgs

  20. trait Parser[T] extends AnyRef

  21. trait PreParse extends ExternalConfig

    a mixin for ExternalConfig to make sure that the parse and setting of fields is done before the ExternalConfig is processed.

  22. trait PropertiesConfig extends ExternalConfig

    Mix this into your Argument class to add the ability to read your config from a property file

  23. trait SimpleParser[T] extends Parser[T]

  24. case class ValueHolder[T](value: T, tpe: Type) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ArgBuilder extends ArgMain[ArgBuilderArgs]

    Util for building up a set of arguments interactively through command line.

  2. object ArgumentParser

  3. object ArrayParser extends CompoundParser[Array[_]]

  4. object BooleanParser extends SimpleParser[Boolean]

  5. object DateTimeFormats

  6. object DoubleParser extends SimpleParser[Double]

  7. object DurationParser extends SimpleParser[Duration]

    parse a duration, the format should be with a point between the number and the unit: e.

  8. object EnumParser extends CompoundParser[Enum[_]]

  9. object ExternalConfigUtil

  10. object FieldArgAssignable

  11. object FileParser extends SimpleParser[File]

  12. object FiniteDurationParser extends SimpleParser[FiniteDuration]

  13. object FloatParser extends SimpleParser[Float]

  14. object IntParser extends SimpleParser[Int]

  15. object ListParser extends CollectionParser[List[_]]

  16. object LongParser extends SimpleParser[Long]

  17. object MapParser extends CompoundParser[Map[_, _]]

  18. object MultiSelectInputParser extends CompoundParser[MultiSelectInput[_]]

  19. object MyApp extends ArgApp[MyArgs]

  20. object MyMain extends ArgMain[MyArgs]

  21. object OptionParser extends CompoundParser[Option[_]]

  22. object ParseHelper

  23. object Parser

  24. object PropertiesConfig

  25. object ReflectionUtils

  26. object RegexParser extends SimpleParser[Regex]

  27. object SelectInputParser extends CompoundParser[SelectInput[_]]

  28. object SeqParser extends CollectionParser[Seq[_]]

  29. object SetParser extends CollectionParser[Set[_]]

  30. object StandardDateParser extends DateParser

  31. object StringParser extends SimpleParser[String]

  32. object TraversableParser extends CollectionParser[Traversable[_]]

  33. object USDateParser extends DateParser

  34. object VectorParser extends CollectionParser[Vector[_]]

  35. package examples

  36. package types

  37. package validation
