
class InserterHooks(val _onWillInsertNode: (Base, Base) => Unit)

#TODO This API is experimental, and is likely to change in the future.

We currently use it only for slotting elements into web components, but will likely use it more broadly later.

NOTE: Currently hooks do not run on some text nodes. They are also not run on some sentinel comment nodes, because only element nodes are slottable. So, this is fine for slotting purposes, but that's the kind of thing that will need a more principled contract if this API is to be used more widely.

WARNING: Your hooks should not throw! Any thrown errors will be sent to Airstream unhandled errors.

Value parameters


Called before the child will be inserted into the parent. - NOTE: this includes moving the child from one position to another in the same parent. - NOTE: this can be called when no action is necessary (i.e. child is already at the target location)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def appendTo(currentHooks: UndefOr[InserterHooks]): InserterHooks
def onWillInsertNode(parent: Base, child: Base): Unit

Concrete fields

val _onWillInsertNode: (Base, Base) => Unit