
See theRenderableNode companion object
trait RenderableNode[-Component]

RenderableNode[Component] is evidence that you can convert a Component to a Laminar ChildNode.

If you have an implicit val of RenderableNode[Component], Laminar can render your Component-s by converting them to ChildNode-s, and will accept your Component-s in child <--, children <--, etc.

A Component must have a 1-to-1 relationship to a Laminar ChildNode. Your Component class/trait should have something like val node: ChildNode.Base or lazy val node: ChildNode.Base in it, it must not be a var or a def.

See also – RenderableText


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def asNode(value: Component): Base

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


def asNodeOption(value: Option[Component]): Option[Base]

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


def asNodeSeq(values: Seq[Component]): Seq[Base]

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


Concrete methods

def asNode(value: Option[Component], default: => Base): Base

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.
