



package tconf

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BaseTextSpec extends DSpec


    most specifications are made of a text content, which is parsed

  2. trait DSpec extends AnyRef


    a specification - can be a text, a wiki or anything else we can parse to extract some piece of configuration

    a specification - can be a text, a wiki or anything else we can parse to extract some piece of configuration

    Specifications are meant to be parsed and DOM/diesel elements collected. Also, they are addressable (specPath)

    We do not concern with the way these are found - that's the inventory, but usually they are passed into an engine etc

  3. trait DSpecInventory extends AnyRef


    can retrieve specs, by wpath and ver

  4. trait DTemplate extends AnyRef


    a specification of a template - templates are sections inside specs name = name parmStr = list of tags, really

  5. trait DUser extends AnyRef


    basic user concept - you have to provide your own implementation

    basic user concept - you have to provide your own implementation

    configurations are normally user-aware, especially when drafting

    the wiki adds WikiUser and WikiUsers

    final runtime adds User and Users

  6. trait DUsers[+U <: DUser] extends AnyRef


    user factory and utils

  7. case class EPos(wpath: String, line: Int, col: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    position of an element - reference where the item was defined, so we can scroll back to it

  8. case class SpecPath(source: String, wpath: String, realm: String, ver: Option[String] = None, draft: Option[String] = None) extends TSpecPath with Product with Serializable


    basic implmentation

  9. trait TSpecPath extends AnyRef


    uniquely identifies a piece of specification

    uniquely identifies a piece of specification

    for identifying sections inside a larger document, the wpath will include like a section pointer (...#section)

  10. class TagQuery extends AnyRef


    important concept - query/select a list of topics, based on inclusion/exclusion of tags

    important concept - query/select a list of topics, based on inclusion/exclusion of tags

    LOGICAL: a/b|c/d is a and (b or c) and d ACTUAL: a/b,c/d is a and (b or c) and d - in url , is not escaped, so easier to use than |

    todo perf if tq contains a cat like below, optimize to search just those - it's done in DomGuardian

    tag query tricks: if a tag uses an upper case like "Story" then it referes to the category and it optimizes things a lot in big reactors

    ltags - all AND expressions atags - the AND expressions without OR otags qt - array of array - first is AND second is OR

    NOTE the one way to do the search today is WikiSearch.getList

  11. case class TextSpec(name: String, text: String) extends BaseTextSpec with Product with Serializable


    the simplest spec - from a named string property

Value Members

  1. object DUsers


    provide implementation in Global::beforeStart() or Module

  2. object EPos extends Serializable

  3. object NoUsers extends DUsers[DUser]


    sample dummy

  4. object Visibility


    visibility settings of specifications

  5. package hosting

  6. package parser


    helpers common to spec parsers
