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com.redislabs.modules.rejson - package com.redislabs.modules.rejson


DEFAULT - com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier
del(String) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Deletes the root path
del(String, Path) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Deletes a path
del(Jedis, String, Path...) - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON


get(String) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Gets an object at the root path
get(String, Path...) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
get(String, Class<T>, Path...) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Gets an object
get(Jedis, String, Path...) - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
getRaw() - Method in enum com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier


JReJSON - Class in com.redislabs.modules.rejson
JReJSON is the main ReJSON client class, wrapping connection management and all ReJSON commands
JReJSON() - Constructor for class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Creates a client to the local machine
JReJSON(String, int) - Constructor for class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Creates a client to the specific host/post
JReJSON(Pool<Jedis>) - Constructor for class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Creates a client using provided Jedis pool
JReJSON.ExistenceModifier - Enum in com.redislabs.modules.rejson
Existential modifier for the set command, by default we don't care


mget(Path, Class<T>, String...) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Returns the values at path from multiple keys.
mget(Class<T>, String...) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Returns the documents from multiple keys.
MUST_EXIST - com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier


NOT_EXISTS - com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier


Path - Class in com.redislabs.modules.rejson
Path is a ReJSON path, representing a valid path into an object
Path(String) - Constructor for class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.Path


ROOT_PATH - Static variable in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.Path
RootPath() - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.Path
use ROOT_PATH instead


set(String, Object) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Sets an object in the root path
set(String, Object, JReJSON.ExistenceModifier) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Sets an object at the root path
set(String, Object, JReJSON.ExistenceModifier, Path) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Sets an object
set(String, Object, Path) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Sets an object without caring about target path existing
set(Jedis, String, Object, JReJSON.ExistenceModifier, Path...) - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
set(Jedis, String, Object, Path...) - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON


toString() - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.Path
type(String) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Gets the class of an object at the root path
type(String, Path) - Method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON
Gets the class of an object
type(Jedis, String, Path...) - Static method in class com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON.ExistenceModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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