Klasse User.Currency

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public static class User.Currency extends AbstractFacebookType
Represents the Currency Graph API type.
Mark Allen
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  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • getUserCurrency

      The ISO-4217-3 code for the user's preferred currency (defaulting to USD if the user hasn't set one).
      Gibt zurück:
      The ISO-4217-3 code for the user's preferred currency (defaulting to USD if the user hasn't set one).
    • setUserCurrency

      public void setUserCurrency(String userCurrency)
      The ISO-4217-3 code for the user's preferred currency (defaulting to USD if the user hasn't set one).
    • getCurrencyExchange

      The number of Facebook Credits that equate in value to one unit of user_currency.
      Gibt zurück:
      The number of Facebook Credits that equate in value to one unit of user_currency.
    • setCurrencyExchange

      public void setCurrencyExchange(BigDecimal currencyExchange)
      The number of Facebook Credits that equate in value to one unit of user_currency.
    • getCurrencyExchangeInverse

      The number of units of user_currency that equate in value to one Credit.

      To calculate the local currency amount based on the credits price, compute credits_price * currency_exchange_inverse.

      Gibt zurück:
      The number of units of user_currency that equate in value to one Credit.
    • setCurrencyExchangeInverse

      public void setCurrencyExchangeInverse(BigDecimal currencyExchangeInverse)
      The number of units of user_currency that equate in value to one Credit.

      To calculate the local currency amount based on the credits price, compute credits_price * currency_exchange_inverse.

    • getCurrencyOffset

      The number by which a price should be divided for display in user_currency units.

      For example, a price of $1.20 will be represented by the Facebook API as "120", which you should divide by the USD currency_offset of 100 to arrive back at 1.20.

      Gibt zurück:
      The number by which a price should be divided for display in user_currency units.
    • setCurrencyOffset

      public void setCurrencyOffset(BigDecimal currencyOffset)
      The number by which a price should be divided for display in user_currency units.

      For example, a price of $1.20 will be represented by the Facebook API as "120", which you should divide by the USD currency_offset of 100 to arrive back at 1.20.