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accessible(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Constants
Streams accessible public constants of a specific class.
AggregatedResult - Annotation Type in com.rezzedup.util.constants.annotations
Denotes the result of aggregation.
Aggregates - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants
Aggregates constants.
Aggregates.MatchRules - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants
Immutable criteria for filtering constants based on their name and other settings for aggregation.
AggregationException - Exception in com.rezzedup.util.constants.exceptions
Represents an exception that occurred during aggregation.
AggregationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.rezzedup.util.constants.exceptions.AggregationException
Wraps an exception that occurred during aggregation.
all(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Constants
Streams all the constants of a specific class.
all(String...) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Appends required strings to the existing rules.
any() - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Gets the constant Object type capture.
any(String...) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Appends optional strings to the existing rules.
as(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Cast
Creates a function that attempts to cast objects into the specified type.
as(Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Cast
Attempts to cast an object into the specified type.


boxedTypes() - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Primitives
Gets all boxed primitive types.


Cast - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Utilities for casting objects.
Cast.Unsafe - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Unsafe utilities for casting objects.
CLASS - Static variable in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Wildcards
Wildcard Class type capture.
COLLECTION - Static variable in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Wildcards
Wildcard Collection type capture.
collections(boolean) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Sets whether or not the contents of constant collections should be aggregated.
com.rezzedup.util.constants - module com.rezzedup.util.constants
Utilities for static final constants.
com.rezzedup.util.constants - package com.rezzedup.util.constants
Utilities for static final constants.
com.rezzedup.util.constants.annotations - package com.rezzedup.util.constants.annotations
Annotations for aggregation.
com.rezzedup.util.constants.exceptions - package com.rezzedup.util.constants.exceptions
Exception types.
com.rezzedup.util.constants.types - package com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Type tokens and casting.
Constants - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants
Utilities for constant fields.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
equals(Object) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture


generic(TypeCompatible<T>) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Cast.Unsafe
Creates a function that attempts to cast objects into the specified generic type.
generic(TypeCompatible<T>, Object) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Cast.Unsafe
Attempts to cast an object into the specified generic type.
generics() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Gets the captured generic type parameters.


hashCode() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
hashCode() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture


isAggregatingFromCollections() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Gets whether aggregating from the contents of constant collections is allowed by these rules or not.
isBoxed(Object) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Primitives
Checks if an object is an instance of a boxed primitive.
isConstant(Field) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Constants
Checks whether or not a field is a static final constant.
isGeneric() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Checks if generic type parameters are captured or not.
isWildcard() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Checks if the captured type is a wildcard (?) or not.


list(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type into an immutable List.
list(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>, Aggregates.MatchRules) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type matching the provided rules into an immutable List.
list(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>, Aggregates.MatchRules, Supplier<List<T>>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type matching the provided rules into an immutable List.
LIST - Static variable in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Wildcards
Wildcard List type capture.


MAP - Static variable in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Wildcards
Wildcard Map type capture.
matches(String) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Checks if the provided name matches the criteria contained within these rules.
matching() - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Specifies criteria for filtering constants based on their name and other settings.


not(String...) - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
Appends excluded strings to the existing rules.
NotAggregated - Annotation Type in com.rezzedup.util.constants.annotations
Marks a constant as ineligible for aggregation.


Primitives - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Constants and utilities for boxed primitives.


raw() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Gets the "raw" type, or, in other words: its direct, non-generic class.


set(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type into an immutable Set.
set(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>, Aggregates.MatchRules) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type matching the provided rules into an immutable Set.
set(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>, Aggregates.MatchRules, Supplier<Set<T>>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Collects all constants of a specific type matching the provided rules into an immutable Set.
SET - Static variable in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Wildcards
Wildcard Set type capture.


toString() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates.MatchRules
toString() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
type() - Method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
type() - Method in interface com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCompatible
Gets the underlying type.
type(TypeCompatible<T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Converts an alternative compatible type token into a type captures.
type(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Captures the type directly from a non-generic class.
type(Type) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Captures an unknown type.
TypeCapture<T> - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
A so-called "super" type token capable of capturing generic type information.
TypeCapture() - Constructor for class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.TypeCapture
Automatically retrieves type information based on reified generic types (only applicable for subclasses with explicitly declared type parameters).
TypeCompatible<T> - Interface in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Conversion layer for alternative type token implementations.


unsafe() - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.types.Cast
Gets the unsafe casting utilities instance.


visit(Class<?>, TypeCompatible<T>, Aggregates.MatchRules, BiConsumer<String, T>) - Static method in class com.rezzedup.util.constants.Aggregates
Visits all constants of a specific type matching the provided rules.


Wildcards - Class in com.rezzedup.util.constants.types
Constant type captures for common generic wildcard types.
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